
Industrialization Of Manchester Dbq Analysis

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The industrialization of manchester was a major influence on the rest of the world, but it came with many negetive effects. The factory workers had to deal with poor working conditions,poor living conditions, pollotion, deadssie, and they had to work for hours everyday. Many of the workers grew sick and died from the poor conditions they had to endure. The industriali revolution, although was a great influence on the rest of the world, it cuased a horrific lifestyle to many of the working class factory workers. One of the many problems raised by the industrailization of manchester were diesises broght by the poor work facilities. In Edwin Charwick’s record of deseases in machester, he states “The annual loss of life from filth and …show more content…

These people had very poor food offerd them cuasing there bodues to be “thin and frail” as stated in document 7. Due to them being weak and frail many of them had poor immune systems cuasing them to be more prone to deasises. The laborers lived miserble lives working 12 hours a day and going home to poorly furnshex homes. The last issue raised by the growth and production of manchester was the pollution cuased by the factorys fumes. Many of the workers inhaled these toxic fumes and became sick. Acording to Flora Trsitan “with every breath of foul air they asorbed fibers of cotton, wool, or flas, or particles of copper, lead or iron” (doc 7). Fumes from the production within the factory were being pumped into the air. Thes toxic fumes can be seen in the picture in document 11. The air in this picture is black and filled with smoke from the factories. Many workers died due to the pollution from the factories. Improvments were brought to the initial poor working conditions later in the indutrial revolution. These prevented many other wokers from dying due to there poor lifestyles. Atough the industrial revoultion was important to the rest of the world, it came with negetive effects on the workers

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