
Inequality In I Am Malala

Decent Essays

In the book, I Am Malala, Malala discusses how women face inequality in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Malala was named after Malalai of Maiwand, who was a folk hero who lead her people to victory. Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, was also a prominent role model for women, but unfortunately was assassinated by a suicide attack. Both woman had a great impact on the rights of women in the Pakistan/Afghanistan region. However, I believe that Malala promoted the equality of women better than Benazir. Women worldwide suffer verbal, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, along with their sequelae, such as traumatic injuries, sexually transmitted diseases, chronic pain, eating and sleeping disorders, other psychiatric conditions, and alcohol and drug abuse. To combat the issue of Woman’s Rights there have been organizations who work to stand against the tribal thinking and the traditional way of gender roles in developing countries. One person known to stand against inequality, to become the first female Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto. At the age of 16 she traveled to the United States to study at Harvard University's Radcliffe College, where she received a degree in government in 1973. Bhutto went on to study political science, economics, and philosophy at Oxford University, and became the first foreign woman to be elected president of the Oxford Union debating team.
After her father's death, Benazir Bhutto assumed leadership of the PPP, demonstrating her inherent skill as a political

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