
Gender Roles Of Malala

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On October 9, 2012 a young girl named Malala was shot in the face by a group of
Muslims called the Taliban. She was shot because she was a girl that wanted to get an education but the Taliban thought that girls should not get an education and should just be typical housewives and cook and take care of the house. Malala lives in a city called Mingora which is located somewhere in Pakistan, where over there they believe in gender roles and how the boys should get an education and the girls should not. She wrote a book about her life and how she fought for education for the girls in Pakistan and the struggles she faced. In her book “I am
Malala” she says "I do not want to be thought of as the girl who was shot by the Taliban, but as the girl who fought for education.”. In other words she did not want to be remember as the girl who got shot for what she believed in. She also wanted to make equal rights available, and encourage people wheather boy or girl to gain some sort of education.
Malala was influenced and supported by family because her grandfather was famous for his speeches and taught Theology in a government high school, which inspired Malala’s father because growing up her father has had a speech impediment growing up and had a stutter which made him get bullied by his cousins.but as he got older he learned how to deal with his speech problems. on page 39 in her book she wrote”my father had turned his weakness into strength”.In other words her father took his weakness

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