
Inequality In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Inequality comes in many forms and can be compared to preferential treatment. Preferential treatment states, “It’s okay for some to have a privilege or right, but not all”. The workplace is one area where inequality runs rampant, which can cause discontent and animosity in the workplace. Many of the individuals treated unjustly know that they are being treated this way, however; because they need their job and the income it supplies, they continue on without raising any alarms. We, as Americans, need to petition, campaign and encourage equality of equal pay for equal work. Sure we have laws that guard against discrimination and corporations are even quick to boast that they are equal opportunity employers and yet it stops there. Once …show more content…

I felt that my tenure and quality of work fell within the qualifications of a Project Manager II. During much of that time and years following, my management hired five new project managers into our department, all were men and all were brought in above the Project Manager II level and I was tasked to train them. After several years had passed, my manager pulled me aside and informed me that the Board of Directors had decided to give me a ten thousand dollar raise. He said, “I want you to know that I had nothing to do with this. HR reviewed your salary and found you were making below your pay grade”. I was happy and sad at the same time. Happy that I received it and sad that my manager, if it were up to him, would not have given it to …show more content…

Some people are allowed to have remote access which enables them to work from home, while others, holding the same position, are not allowed to have it. Others are constantly out sick one day per month, while others are rarely out and scrutinized when they are legitimately ill. Some in management positions are out of the office once or twice a month attending a fellow church member’s funeral, however; when a close friend of your dies, they remind you, you are only allowed off for a family member’s death and you have to come into work immediately. Rather than doing something about it and putting their jobs at risk, people rather let it go, do nothing, say nothing and continue on as they have for years because they have families to support, car payments to make and mortgages to

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