
Infidelity Is Not That Big Of A Deal

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Infidelity is a tough subject to talk about among people throughout the world. It is commonly known as a violation of trust between married couples and can be considered a touchy subject. As examined in the article by Emily Barrow there are often cases of adultery related to people who are considered happy. These people are faithful for decades but one day they decide to cross a line that they have never crossed before and risk everything they have in their relationship. Although some people have a hard time explaining their reasoning and often time’s relationships end throughout the article there are several points to defend infidelity and explain how it is not that big of a deal. My personal opinion is that it should be considered unacceptable not because of any religious matters but out of genuine respect and love for your partner you should keep the promise you made when you were married. Within this paper I will investigate the concept of infidelity and why people decide to cheat on their significant other when everything is perfect at home and when times are tough. Through the use of several economic concepts learned throughout the course I will apply them to my research and establish a final conclusion that will aid me in weather I agree or disagree with the authors’ analysis. Infidelity is the largest opprobrium around the world. It is well know that adultery will more than often lead to divorce yet Esther Perel a well-known psychotherapist, states that divorce is

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