
Influenza Essay

Decent Essays

Influenza is a highly contagious flu that is a viral infectious virus of the respiratory organ. Orthomyxoviridae is the scientific name of the Influenza virus. Some examples of the influenza virus are Influenza A, Influenzavirus B, Influenzavirus C, Bourbon virus, and Isa Virus. The types of flu A, B, and C are responsible for nearly all the Influenza disease that occurs almost every winter. Infection with type C influenza usually causes either a very mild respiratory illness or no symptoms at all. Infection with type C Influenza are usually caused by either a very mild respiratory illness, or there would be no symptoms at all. The most common host for Influenza is any ages in any lifetime. The symptoms of Influenza are fever, cough, and …show more content…

The mode of transmission is droplet because influenza is transmitted by saliva and sneezing. The Influenza disease is primarily spread on to the person by the air. The virus particles are sent into the air when a person with Influenza sneezes or coughs and spread in the middle of the air. The location of the Influenza disease is anywhere in the world. Also, the Influenza disease is mostly found in New Jersey during late November through early April. The peak season of Influenza occurrence is during January and February. But, Influenza is a worldwide disease that can occur the anyone in this entire world. So Influenza can even happen to you caused by the fact that Influenza is a worldwide disease and it can happen, anyone, no matter what age. The Influenza disease is Pandemic which means it is a disease that widespread over a whole country or even the entire world. So anyone in the entire will be able to have the Pandemic disease of Influenza which is widely spread around the whole entire world, it won’t matter where you are there is a chance that you could be one of the Influenza victims. This outbreak disease affects everyone in the world. Influenza and flu are the same diseases because the flu is caused by the Influenza virus. However, there are other viruses that can cause an illness that is similar to the flu. It is difficult to say exactly which virus is causing the illness so doctors diagnosed a flu-like

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