
Information Technology And Its Importance

Decent Essays

What is information technology and its importance? Suggest 3 fictitious headlines that might be added to figure 1-1 on page 2. Information Technology A collection of unstructured facts with a coherent relationship with each other can be termed as information. Information is the most valuable asset for any sort of business or other organizational entity in today’s World. Information technology is basically a collection of system comprising of hardware, software, telecommunications equipment, computer equipment or any sort of electronic or digital equipment which helps us to retrieve, transmit, store and basically manipulate the data and information. There are numerous industries which are basically associated with information technology such as computer sciences, software, computer hardware, telecommunications, e-commerce, computer networks, distributed computing and the list goes on and on. The list clearly highlights the significance of information technology in today’s World. Every small business entity to the largest multinational enterprise just can’t survive in today’s World without information technology. It has become a vivid reality of today’s World and people ignoring it are totally rejected by the World. IT (Information Technology) has become the most significant pillar of the global economy and without the most valuable asset i.e. information which is to be managed with information technology, our lives wouldn’t have been so convenient. The current World in which

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