
Informative Essay On Drones Research Paper

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Drones Strikes are Malicious in Warfare A man walks into a government facility, screams, “This is your fault!”, before aggressively shooting at them. Some effects of drones in warfare are the creation of terrorists, trauma, insecurity, and murder of innocent civilians. Drones have many uses, in warfare and common life, but almost always there are consequences, therefore, drones should not be used in warfare. By defining the necessity to understand the effects that make drones dangerous, by refuting counterarguments of the safetyness and importance of drones, and by presenting documented evidence, and expert opinions, the reader will be persuaded to be against the use of drones in warfare. Drones create terrorists that lead to more people being killed and aggravating war. Source K says that, “People who see their loved ones injured or killed in drone attacks become motivated to join actions against …show more content…

They live in fear because they do not know when or where the next drone strike is that rains down hellfire according to Source I. What if the controller that is thousands of miles away falls asleep or presses the button to launch the attack of the drone? Drones cause insecurity not only to adults but to children too. Kids do not know what is going on, all they know is that their life can end with the click of one button if they are at the wrong place at the wrong time (Source K). If the people in the Middle East gather into a group for funerals, weddings, or even business meetings, they could possibly die for appearing to fit a terrorist profile, according to President Obama’s policy of “signature strike”. “Researchers from Stanford and New York University, people who live in the affected areas experience harm “beyond death and physical injury” and “hear drones hover 24 hours a day”, and live with the fear that a strike could occur at any moment of the day or night.” (Source

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