
Informative Essay On Guns In Schools

Satisfactory Essays

Even the dangers at school, tend to close the students in themselves. Since 2013, in all America, there were more than 200 school shootings, in other words one shooting each week. “The U.S. has higher rates of homicides from guns than Pakistan.”(Katie Leach-Kemon)
Switzerland, that is the second country with the highest firearm cases, has 4 times less than the US and Finland 7 times less. To avoid other shooters, Donald Trump allowed some school employers to bring guns at work for protection and defense. In America is normal, nowadays, bring guns everywhere, also for the students. On February 10, 2017, in a public school in Texas, 2 teenager, both 18, bring two fire guns at school. The police was called but it couldn’t do anything. The two

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