
Inside Out Psychology

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Inside Out Although, Joy is one of the most important emotions present in the film, many of the other emotions affect joy and not only her, but Riley’s behavior as well; Therefore balance between emotions is necessary to evolve. Throughout the movie, both Joy and Sadness have been placed side by side and compared. In the beginning this Juxtaposition caused a negative relationship between both emotions. Joy was always in control, she never really did anything wrong, she radiated positivity and was overall keeping Riley happy. Sadness however was the contrast of Joy, she was gloomy, negative, super clumsy and would cause Riley to become sad. Toward the end of the movie antithesis occurred with these characters. In the scene where Riley talks to her parents about her pent up feelings regarding their recent move, the emotions learn about a new ability, being able to have two types of emotions in a core memory. Both Joy and Sadness were present in the heart to heart between Riley and her parents. Having the emotions in harmony allowed Riley to grow and realize both emotions and more, can be in sync. …show more content…

Once Joy and Sadness disappear into the outskirts of Riley’s mind the other emotions are left with the roll of running Riley’s memories. The emotions began to panic and feel hopeless without Joy. Joy from the beginning was in charge and kept everything functioning properly. The ambiguity of how the emotions function, feel and act when it comes to Riley is shown during this moment of despair. Not having Joy around was almost a requirement for Riley to evolve and have a new outlook when it comes to negative situations. It was clear however that all the emotions create growth and development and their goal was for Riley to be

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