
Apa Citation For Inside Out

Decent Essays

Are movies able to think? This question is usually answered with no or how would a movie even think? Although these answers aren't particularly wrong, there's another answer to that question that mixes things up a bit. Yes. The camera's point of view and a two dimensional screen are usually all we get out of a movie. Bits and pieces of what characters are really thinking are shown, nothing too in depth or complicated about it. However, ‘Inside Out’ is the exception. ‘Inside Out’ makes it possible to see into the mind of a character. On the outside, Riley, the movie's main character, is a typical 11 year old. Unfortunately uprooted from her home in Minnesota to live in San Francisco for her father's job, Riley has a tough transition into the new town, sports and school. Usually a happy girl, Riley begins to argue at the dinner table and fails to get onto the hockey team, leading her deeper into an unhappy state of mind. Although all of these events happen to her, like most people, Riley is guided by her emotions. There are joy, anger, fear, sadness and disgust. These emotions are located in Riley's mind, and we as the audience are able to see them physically. Throughout the movie, they help her with her everyday life and decision making process. …show more content…

Everyone wants everyone to be happy, however, this persistence to always be happy takes a toll. The "manager" of the group, Joy, knit picks and contains Sadness's gloominess. Joy believes that she needs to keep Sadness's hands off of Riley's core memories. These memories are golden orbs that will be ruined if they ever turned blue. Joy, at one point in the movie, draws a circle on the floor and tells Sadness to stand inside it. She continues to tell Sadness not to touch anything because she could disturb the happy

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