
Inside Out Themes

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Emotions are our Personalities In The Achievement Habit, by Stanford Professor Bernard Roth, he explains, “in our minds we all have pictures of what and who we are” (Roth 198). This shows how we act around others and brings out our inner personalities. In the movie Inside Out, directed by Peter Docter, eleven-year-old Riley has five emotions in her head working together to show how she feels and reacts towards her everyday life. After moving from Minnesota, she is having a difficult time getting used to her new home in the heart of San Francisco. In Riley’s head the main emotion is Joy. She seems to be the captain out of the five emotions. Whenever there is a problem Joy is always their trying to make sure the problem is taken care of and …show more content…

Joy is the engine that gets the rest of the emotions happy. Also, she always knows what to do when Riley is upset. Since Joy is the main emotion and always knows what to do, she is seen as the leader throughout the movie. Furthermore, since her main emotion is Joy that is a majority of Riley’s personality. The other emotions have key roles too, but nothing as big as Joy’s. Joy also takes the blame whenever Riley is upset and tries to figure out what she can do to help make her happy. Everyone has a different personality in this world and it just depends what emotions they let control their lives. If they let anger dictate a lot of their life they are going to be an angry person a majority of the time and their personality will have to deal with anger. If they are sad and let sadness dictate themselves as a person and they are always crying over things that make them sad, their personality is going to revolve around being sad. Also, if someone is always happy and brings joy to everything they do. That person is going to have a joyful personality. Everyone is different in their own way. The results of these personalities and what emotion is seen the most regularly deals with the people they put yourself around and the ones that raised them. In The Achievement Habit, Roth explains, “we are influenced by our teachers and parents” (196). He is saying that we are influenced a lot by the people we surround ourselves with and never try to be

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