
Inspector Hound Monologue

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On October 30th, I went to see The Real Inspector Hound written by Tom Stoppard and directed by Luke Hoover. The play begins with the two critics Moon and Birdboot entering the stage and taking their seats for the play. They discuss work and their personal life before the first police report. These police reports are an example of foreshadowing to the appearance of the Inspector Hound. The rising action would be the internal struggles that Moon and Birdboot are having. Moon wants to increase his ranks as a critic and become as well-known as his boss Higgs. Birdboot on the other hand is higher in the ranks, but is having some self-issues as rumors of multiple relationships with young actresses surface. Another part of the rising action it the …show more content…

There is dialogue between several characters, but are they actually holding a conversation? When Moon and Birdboot are sitting next to each other supposedly holding a conversation, their dialogue seems to be almost a solo. They are expressing their own fears and jealousies, but they seem not to notice the other sitting there very often. They rarely are communicating to one another and are truly having a conversation. The characters seem to have a difficult time expressing their emotions to one another through words. Another example is Cynthia and Simon, they have a difficult time expressing how they feel through words instead they kiss and hold each other through out parts of the …show more content…

With all the back and forth of a play within a play I seemed to had gotten lost and confused. Though I did learn that things are not always as they seem and people will do harsh things to improve their ranks in the world and in our society today that seems very prevalent. This play did have a life lesson woven into it and was not solely for the purpose of entertainment. I would recommend this play to others with the condition of them doing some research on the play before they attend such as the story line so the climax is not given away. This will help them to understand the back and forth transitions of the play within a play and allow them to focus solely on the performance and less on trying to figure out what is going on and why it is happening. This will allow for better experience than the one I had of trying to figure out the transitions throughout the whole

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