
Instability In William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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William Faulkner enters the slowly degrading mind of a vulnerable women using the later years of her life after the start of her mental issues. After the death of her controlling father, emily is left with only her family house in Jefferson county. Emily’s mind slowly degrades to the point that she killed a man and locks him away in her home to be with him forever. Throughout the story “A Rose For Emily” William Faulkner uses her relationship with her family and background, her relationships with the community and they way the community treats her, and her inability to distinguish past and present to foreshadow emily’s mental instability.
William Faulkner uses emily’s relationship with her family and background to show her slowly degrading …show more content…

Emily’s inability to recognize time shows her mind's instability .The “next generation” wanted to tax emily however emily simply says to “see colonel sartoris” even though he has been “ dead almost ten years.” her inability to recognize even 10 years passing is very similar to other people with mental issues. The way she clings onto the past furthermore shows her mind's degradation. On top of her fireplace stood “crayon portrait” of “her father,” when she died the “crayon face” of her father was still in the same place, looming over her. This shows her inability to let go and to try to cling onto her father even after death, something someone who has several psychological issues would do. Lastly the way the story is overall structured is a representation to her mind's inability to distinguish between past and present. The starts with emily’s “funeral” however it quickly goes back to when the community sent her “a tax notice,” and then the story moves “thirty years” back, and so on. The story represents her mind as it is not pieced together in chronological order and shows what a mind with mental instability would be seeing. Her mind cannot wrap around time and the events in her life are jumbled up as her mind slowly

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