
Institutional Placement In Juvenile Justice

Decent Essays

Institutional or residential placement is the most restrictive type of placement used in juvenile justice. A distinguishing characteristic of institutional placement is that it restricts youth’s access to the community (Elrod & Ryder, 2014). Today secure institutions are not only used for many youths charged with and adjudicated for serious juvenile offenses, but also for those charged with and adjudicated for minor offenses. Juvenile corrections institutions represent the most restrictive option available to juvenile courts. These institutions vary in the extent to which they focus on custody and control (Elrod & Ryder, 2014). Some of these institutions employ a variety of security hardware and structures such as perimeter fencing or walls, and surveillance and detection devices such as motion detectors, sound monitors and security cameras. These juvenile institutions are classified as secure facilities or closed facilities and closely resemble secure …show more content…

These programs attempt to accomplish a number of objectives. They typically include sanctioning and controlling youths, helping them maintain existing ties within the community, help them restore ties that have been severed as a result of their delinquent behavior, and assist youths’ efforts to develop new and positive ties to others in the community (Elrod & Ryder, 2014). They also provide a correctional response that avoids the negative consequences of institutional placement, provide a more cost effective response to juvenile crime, and reduce the likelihood of recidivism. There is good evidence that some programs not only provide high quality services and successfully address a variety of client needs, but they also do an effective job of protecting public safety (Elrod & Ryder,

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