
Institutional Racism: Film Analysis

Decent Essays

According to Lum (2007) defines discrimination as a “behavioral response that is unfavorable to members of an ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, or related out-group. It is preceded by prejudice what is a negative affective attitude and a learned condition”. Discrimination is not liking a person or a group of people solely based on what they look like or where they come from. I have been the target of racism on several occasions. I use to work at the Marriott Hotel as a wine pourer. I was talking to this man who happens to be Caucasian, he was telling me I had a nice smile and how educated I was. He noticed he was flirting with me and stated “sorry I should not flirt with the help”. During this time the movie with Viola Davis came out where she was the slave and the movie was called the “Help”. I have never felt so insulted in my entire life.
Analysis of Oppression
Institutional racism has the power to negatively affect the bulk of people belonging to a racial group. While individual Americans may harbor racist feelings about certain groups, racism in the United States would not have thrived if institutions had not perpetuated discrimination against people of color for centuries. The institutional perspective of slavery kept African …show more content…

Developing this is a two-step process that involves learning to perceive social, political, and economic contradictions and taking action against oppression elements. It is a process through which people come to an understanding of power, empowerment, and oppression”. In my own words, critical consciousness is realizing that everyone is different and being okay with it. It is trying to grasp an understanding of the world and understanding social and political contradictions. Critical Consciousness is realizing that everyone is different and being okay with

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