
Biomarker Discovery Essay

Decent Essays

Human diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and schizophrenia, are inherently complex and governed by the interplay of various underlying factors ranging from genetic and genomic influences to environmental effects. Recent advancements in high throughput data collection technologies in bioinformatics have resulted in a dramatic increase in diverse data sets that can provide information about such factors related to diseases. These types of data include DNA microarrays providing cellular information, Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) providing genetic information, metabolomics data in terms of proteins and other metabolites, structural and functional brain data from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and electronic health records (EHRs) containing …show more content…

One very important issue of biomarker discovery is that the models have to easily interpretable, i.e., integrative models have to be not only predictive of the disease, but also interpretable enough so that domain experts can infer useful knowledge from the obtained patterns. In one such effort to make models interpretable, domain information about disease relationships was used as prior knowledge during model development. In addition, a novel metric called I-score was proposed using medical literature to quantify the interpretability of obtained …show more content…

Some potential reasons responsible for disease heterogeneity are different pathways playing different roles in the same disease and confounding factors such as age, ethnicity and race, or genetic predisposition, which can be available in rich EHR data. Most biomarker discovery techniques use full space model development techniques, i.e., they assess the performance of biomarkers on all patients without finding the distinct subpopulations. In this thesis, more customized models were built depending on patient\'s characteristics to handle disease

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