Acronym Soup
CIA: CIA stands for Central intelligence Agency and is run by the United States. What the CIA does is collect, analyse, and evaluate foreign intelligence to help the president and major parties of the US Government to make decisions about National Security, being without and outside the country.
FRG: FRG stands for the Federal Republic of Germany held one of the four Sections of Germany until America and England formed Bosnia, The section that they held was West Germany. It was also a Communist country.
GDR: German Democratic Republic, The section that the GDR had was East Germany. It was a Democratic country. The GDR was occupied by the USSR.
ICBM: It stands for Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. It is a guided missile which is usually used from Nuclear weapons and can take out massive areas.
KGB: Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti is the Soviet Union’s main security agency since 1954 until the programme was cancelled in 1991.
MAD: stands for Mutually Assured Destruction. This is when two or more countries use full-scale weapons of mass destruction to cause a total loss of life so that the side can neither attack nor defend.
UN: United Nations. The UN is meant to have four purposes, to maintain peace and security among the world, make friendships with nations, solve international problems, and to promote human rights with respect.
NSC: or the National Security Council, the councils function is to assist the president on national security and foreign
• Countries in Eastern Europe (and the eastern half of Germany) fell under the control of the Communist rule of the U.S.S.R after World War II. Winston Churchill used the phrase Iron Curtain to describe the divide between the Capitalist West and Communist East.
NSA stands for National Security Agency. They collect and process information and data for foreign intelligence as well as protect communications networks and information system for the United States. (“What Exactly is the NSA”). We need the NSA because when they use their powers for good they can gather information for potential terrorists and stop what they are planning before people are hurt or killed (“NSA Intelligence Gathering Programs Keep us Safe”).
The CIA, otherwise known as the Central Intelligence Agency, is a federal agency that is independent and has the responsibilities of providing the country of the United States with national security intelligence. The CIA is in charge of gathering information that is going on from other countries in order to help our own national security to become stronger, and to be able to protect the citizens of the United States better. However, what happens when the CIA tries to protect it’s citizens by screwing over other countries? What happens when the CIA is responsible for destroying other countries’ governments or placing leaders where we do not belong as a country to try and control politics that we should not even be involving ourselves in. While the CIA is meant to have good intentions for providing our country with national security, a lot of times the United States is responsible for meddling in affairs we never belonged in which cause harm, devastation, or death to the countries we force ourselves upon.
After the Second World War, the United States and the Soviet Union emerged as superpowers and subsequently a period of tension and hostility arose, known as the Cold War. During this time, a new possibility of complete nuclear destruction that would claim the lives of many emerged, therefore “the easing or relaxing of tensions†on both sides was needed, this period would be known as detente. Both countries had been guaranteed mutually assured destruction as they had both managed to stay ahead in the development of nuclear arsenals. By the late 1960s the Soviets had surpassed the United States in intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) by 1,300 to 1,054. Although the U.S was still
The NSA, National Security Agency, is the largest manager of United States intelligence in the
The Stasi organization was so omnipresent in the lives of ordinary people from the GDR because they felt that they citizens were potential enemies of the state and would try to bring down the communist government. The Stasi, in my opinion, were very paranoid and harassed many innocent people they suspected. According to Madeline Alexander, the Ministry of State Security was the main strict core of the GDR and was created through Communism. The most vital task for the GDR was to uphold the socialist nation together through the use of terror. The socialist rule in the GDR was founded on terror and always used to terror (Alexander).
DESCRIPTION: The United Nations is an international organization established to promote intercontinental support. Therefore, the main role of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to promote respect for human rights and to coordinate aid in disaster situations and to provide help on global issues such as drug trafficking and the environment.
Counterintelligence (CI) involves actions aimed at protecting the United States against foreign intelligence operations and espionage from penetration and disruption by hostile nations or their intelligence services (Lowenthal, 2014). Three main components of Counterintelligence include collection, defensive and offensive. Collection is ability to gather intelligence information about rivalry capabilities against own nation; defensive part of CI involve measures to prevent and thwarting other nations attempts to penetration into own nations intelligence system; while offensive deal with running double agents to penetrate, manipulate, exploit, and control targeted adversaries. CI is said to be the most essential aspect of the intelligence disciplines, in the sense that collecting vast quantities of secret information and produce excellent analysis of the intelligence, but ineffective counterintelligence measures may diminish confidence the final results (Van Cleave, 2013). According to Federal Bureau of Investigation (2011) “Significant advances have been made in clarifying and rectifying intelligence gaps and requirements through the formation of liaison and working relationships with other U.S. intelligence community agencies, foreign partners, the private sector, and academia”. For instance, since 2001, FBI CI program has resulted to total arrests of 249, of which 46 of them were linked to espionage. Counterintelligence (CI)
By definition Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy in which full-scale use of nuclear weapons by both sides would effectively result in the destruction of both side. It is not a complicated concept. An elementary school child could understand that the two biggest kids in the class don't openly brawl because both would suffer unacceptable damage as well as put third parties in the danger of the crossfire. The concept of MAD is not the complicated part; it is everything else that pertains to it that has baffled policy makers and theorists for generations. Mutually Assured Destruction is a complex but precarious balance that dominated the Cold War Era. The stability can easily be disrupted by actions taken by
In response to this, the side of Germany under control of the Soviet Union became the German Republic of Germany, also known as West Germany. This was one of the first steps that would divide Germany for almost 30 years.
The CIA is one of the U.S. foreign inteligency agencies, responsible for getting and analyzing information about foreign government, corporations, individuals, and reporting such information to the various branches of the U.S. government. The State Department's Bureau or inteligence and reserch and theDefense Department'sdefense inteligence agency comprise the other two. Its headquarters is inLangley, Virginia, across the Potomac River from D.C. The Agency, created in 1947 by President Harry S. Trueman, is a descendant of the Office of stratigic Services(OSS) of World War 2. The OSS was dissolved in October 1945 but
The United Nations is an organization established 24 October 1945. It was a replacement for the League of Nations. The UN was created following the Second World War to prevent another such conflict. The organization is financed by giving its member states a substantial fee. Its objectives include maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict.
The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) was established in November 1952 to provide a cryptologic organization for the civilian and military leaders of the United States and to provide them with timely information. The National Security Agency (NSA) coordinates, directs, and performs highly specialized activities to produce foreign intelligence information and protect United States information systems through two main missions, Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Information Assurance (IA). The Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission uses cryptologic machines to break foreign codes to find out what they know and what they are doing. The biggest accomplishment publicly
The National Security Agency or NSA is the government organization that is responsible for government surveillance. This government organization collects data ranging from
Germany is also considered to be a modern European country. They are also part of the UNSC, the G-8, the G-20, NATO and the EU. Germany utilizes a federal parliamentary republic system. With regards to the EU, Germany has held the alternating presidency for the Council of the EU eleven times between 1958 and 2007. Some of its strongest economic sectors in 2014 were industrials, defense,