Welcome to this introductory course on the interim spectrum business packaging and pricing. [SHORT PAUSE] Before you start please review the Course Tour (the link is located in the upper left corner of the screen). [SHORT PAUSE] When you are ready, click the Start button. [LONG PAUSE] This course overview explains the strategy behind the Interim Spectrum Business Pricing and Packaging plan launch and introduces the product and pricing changes for New Charter’s legacy companies Business Account Executives. [SHORT PAUSE] During this 30 minute course, we will be covering the following: • Explain the strategy behind the SBPP, with a focus on the Interim (iSBPP) launch, scheduled for December 13th. • Define the Common Business Rules that apply to our customers • Identify the product changes for all three legacy organizations (Charter, Time Warner and Bright House) • Examine the Sales Approach to take when talking with customers about these offers. [SHORT PAUSE] As you complete each section of the course, you will return to the main navigation page. [LONG PAUSE] Here is your main navigation page. To review a particular section, click on the label on that screen. [SHORT PAUSE] As you complete each section of the course, you will return to this main navigation page. [SHORT PAUSE] After you have finished reviewing all of the sections, you will be prompted to complete the final knowledge check. Start with our review of the SBPP/iSBPP Strategy. [LONG PAUSE] In approaching this new
From last week, I decide my study style, as printing out the learning journal and textbook, read them carefully, and answering the self-quiz, and when I make sure to comprehend all, I switch to answer the programming assignment and discussion post.
Directions: Answer the following questions as you watch the video (due at the end of the period).
Now that you have completed Section 1 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have completed all 3 Sections of this Assessment.
Now that you have completed Section 2 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have completed all 3 Sections of this Assessment.
• Then, go to www.vision2learn.com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.
Through the course
Within any industry the fiscal or economic goals are to increase revenue; determine the fixed and variable costs for the business; and determine how to maximize profit. In order to reach those goals an organization needs to establish the pricing structure, product differentiation, and how to minimize the costs for the product. In this proposal will layout the strategies to reach those goals in order to make a more economic successful organization.
The course text is progressing on the right track and we are fast approaching the end.
When you have finished, submit your work to your teacher. Check the rubric at the end of this document to be sure you are meeting the expected criteria for the assignments.
It is hard to navigate the site of this online class. I am going to contact the professor or my fellow students and ask for recommendations on better navigation
Once you have completed Part 1 of your Assessment, save the work you have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking when you have completed all four Parts of this Assessment.
navigate the document is via the answers. I strongly suggest though that before you actually do the quiz,
banners promoting various activities. The pricing structure must be robust and flexible to manage large and small orders.
Management must use information supplied to them by different departments in the organization. This will ensure support within Pro Audio that the policies are good for the company. The text book states that the key to developing great policies is to treat each request for a price concession to create or change a policy. The only request for price concession that should be considered are the ones that are not covered by the current policies. Pricing policies forces organizations to contemplate long-term costs when making final pricing choices. Consistent pricing policies let the customers know that they cannot “get over” by calling around to different sales agents to get the best deal. Management should ask themselves what beliefs and resulting behaviors does the current pricing creates. The management team at Pro Audio must manage the implementation of the policies to ensure success in a preemptive chronological order. Management should communicate to the sales agents that these new pricing policies are about fairness in treating customers consistently. Moreover, the pricing policies must be monitored
Describe how you will continue to develop this learning after this module ………….………… Page 7