
Interim Spectrum Business Packaging And Pricing Essay

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Welcome to this introductory course on the interim spectrum business packaging and pricing. [SHORT PAUSE] Before you start please review the Course Tour (the link is located in the upper left corner of the screen). [SHORT PAUSE] When you are ready, click the Start button. [LONG PAUSE] This course overview explains the strategy behind the Interim Spectrum Business Pricing and Packaging plan launch and introduces the product and pricing changes for New Charter’s legacy companies Business Account Executives. [SHORT PAUSE] During this 30 minute course, we will be covering the following: • Explain the strategy behind the SBPP, with a focus on the Interim (iSBPP) launch, scheduled for December 13th. • Define the Common Business Rules that apply to our customers • Identify the product changes for all three legacy organizations (Charter, Time Warner and Bright House) • Examine the Sales Approach to take when talking with customers about these offers. [SHORT PAUSE] As you complete each section of the course, you will return to the main navigation page. [LONG PAUSE] Here is your main navigation page. To review a particular section, click on the label on that screen. [SHORT PAUSE] As you complete each section of the course, you will return to this main navigation page. [SHORT PAUSE] After you have finished reviewing all of the sections, you will be prompted to complete the final knowledge check. Start with our review of the SBPP/iSBPP Strategy. [LONG PAUSE] In approaching this new

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