
Internal And External Factors Of Microsoft

Satisfactory Essays

A company’s success comprises of several critical factors, which are categorized as internal and external factors. The purpose of this paper is to identify the internal and external factors of Microsoft and discuss how the company influence the business environment. Furthermore, identify the impact of trends in corporate culture and social responsibility on business ideas and the potential ethical or regulatory issues that affect the corporate strategy and brand development.
Business Environment
Microsoft technological environment is influential and competitive. Every market change is a chance to consider new innovations, new products, target niche or new thoughts that can additionally change the marketplace business and Microsoft operations. Microsoft Corporation pushes the limits of what is conceivable through a wide scope of innovative work exercises that look to distinguish and address the competitive force, consumer changing demands and business trends (Microsoft, 2016).
Microsoft success is a result of the 114,000 well-trained employees employed at the company. Through the skills, talents, expertise and endless contributions, Microsoft is able to achieve its mission. The company has a very diverse culture of employees from a blend of college-graduate to industry, experienced individuals. Microsoft attracts talented employees based on the competitive compensation and benefits it offers, training and development, safety and wellness, diversity and inclusion,

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