
International Reactions to the Ukraine-Russia Crisis

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There has been a range of international reactions to the crisis. The U.N. General Assembly passed a non-binding resolution 100 in favor, 11 against and 58 abstentions in the 193-nation assembly that declared invalid Crimea's Moscow-backed referendum.
The United States followed suit by imposing sanctions against persons they deem to have violated or assisted in the violation of Ukraine's sovereignty, which were mostly close aides of Putin. "We want the Ukrainian people to determine their own destiny and to have good relations with the United States, Russia, Europe, with anyone they choose" said Obama. The US Department of Treasury introduced sanctions against some Russian individuals and organizations, including four banks including SMP Bank and InvestCapitalBank, controlled by the Rotenberg brothers. 17 Russian companies were also sanctioned against.
The European Union suspended talks with Russia on economic and visa related matters; on March 12, the European Parliament rejected the referendum on independence in Crimea, which they saw as manipulated and contrary to international and Ukrainian law. It moved for sanctions against a total of 48 people which included General Valery Gerasimov, chief of the Russian general staff and first deputy defence minister, and Lieutenant General Igor Sergun, identified as the head of GRU, the Russian military intelligence agency.
The G7 bloc of developed nations (the G8 minus Russia) made a joint statement condemning Russia and

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