
Interpersonal Communication

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Mrs. Doubtfire is a film that focuses on a marriage going through a divorce. As a result of the divorce Daniel, the father, is only allowed to see his children once a week. In an attempt to spend more time with his children, Daniel disguises as the perfect old English nanny that his wife, Miranda, is looking to hire. As the new nanny, Daniel becomes the perfect father and spouse. In this film not only do you see the many different types of relationships, you also see concepts of interpersonal communication entwined. The first two concepts of interpersonal communication running through the film are those of relationship deterioration and repair. The third concept that is weaved throughout the entire film is that of using humor to reduce …show more content…

Daniel responds by suggesting that they go to a “family therapist”, “work out the problems”, or even “take a vacation” but this was not effective. Miranda felt as if these efforts should have been made a long time ago. Things had now come to the point where they were
This film does not focus as much on repairing the relationship between the husband and wife as it does with repairing the relationship between the father and the children. The most

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