
Interview At Glitz And Glam Hair Studios

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In preparation for any interview, researchers should be organized and have an idea of how they would like the interview to be structured. Researchers should also be flexible and be aware that interviews may not go as planned. McCurdy, Spradley and Shandy (2005) suggests that researchers to find a quiet place to meet with informants that are free from distractions (p. 34). They advise researchers to anticipate the surroundings and how it will affect the informant 's comfort level and performance (p. 34). My observation will taking place at Glitz and Glam Hair Studios. Because it is a bustling hair salon one of the owners suggested I come on a day where they weren 't as busy. I believe it may be difficult to find a quiet place but, I am sure I will be able to have opportunities to speak to them alone. When getting permission to conduct my interviews, I explained in detail, to the owners who are also my informants, why they were chosen and what I was looking to accomplish. I think it is wise, as McCurdy et. al. (2005) urges researchers to explain again. It important for the informants to know the researcher is trying to learn their culture (p. 34). I believe it 's beneficial to both the researcher and the informant to have that face-to-face interaction while giving an explanation purpose. Descriptive questions are a very effective way of extracting information from interviewees. It was in this course I learned these types of questions had a name. McCurdy et. al. (2005)

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