
Interview On The Field Office

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I chose to do my interview in the field office and not over the phone. Feeling that by doing this interview in person I would receive more of a connection. I walk into work early this morning so I can interview Doug Ivie before everyone else comes into the office. When I arrive Doug is already here and working on programming tank level sensors. This week Doug is in the San Angelo office and not in the Denver, Colorado office where he is normally located. He comes to the San Angelo office every two weeks, staying one week at a time. So I take my lunch to the fridge and walk back to grab my computer so I can take notes and read him the questions I’ve prepared. Mr. Ivie is somewhat of an intimidating man when you first meet him. His appearance is extremely professional and serious, but once you get to know his true personality you realize he can be quite funny. When I interviewed him he was dressed in his usual tailored suite. It was a deep shade of navy blue with a crisp white shirt underneath and a navy tie decorated with white diamond shapes. He always has a pin of the American flag on the right side of his suit coat. He is a tall man, a little more than six feet, and he has hair that is salt and pepper colored. I had never seen him without a goatee until today. He said “it was time for a change” and he was “still a little unsure about it”. There is not much that Mr. Ivie is unsure about so this took me by surprise. His eyes are a striking dark brown and he always has a

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