A quarter hour of high noon, sun blazing against the floor of the Desert, across the peaks and valleys: dancing were the prickly cactus to silent ripples of heat, waiting patiently for the rain. Considered a sacred place by natives who lived so many moons ago and by some of those living now, The Superstition Mountains hold countless secrets and there, more than one unsolved mystery has been borne. Many a man, and even a few adventurous women, young and old have come, dreaming of riches only to instead, meet their maker in this devilish place. Dangerous and scorching hot even in early spring, this is no place for the weak of mind, body nor spirit.
The old prospector, Jacob Waltz, out of breath and red faced, was soaked in sweat from head to toe. The hot sun that beat down upon him lent him no mercy. He didn't
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In that moment, he found it strangely quiet. Somehow the desert seemed to the old man, more unforgiving than ever before.
Jacob stopped and pulled a rag out of his left pocket to wipe the sweat from his brow and catch his breath. When the rattling noise created by his ragged, uneven breathing finally ceased he became aware of an uneasy feeling in the air, accompanied by that strange eerie silence.
"Well, that's mighty strange." He spoke aloud as he panned the area with his squinted old eyes. “Don’t think I've ever seen the devils playground so empty and hushed." But even this anomaly could not keep his thoughts from shortly returning to the fact that this was more likely than not, his last trip. No. He was shaking his head. Old Jacob did not care one iota for the fact that he was getting too old to make the trip to his beloved mine alone. He had considered hiring a hand to help him this time, but oh! How he loathed the prospect of having to share it with anyone. He just couldn't! He wouldn't! After all, he was the one that found it and it was his! All his, by
Death filled his mind as he reached a point where he
God, he must look terrible. He's sweating and he's cold and he's shivering and he's hugging himself as if he were the only touchable thing on the planet. It suddenly feels harder to breathe once more - he's humiliated and
“He suddenly lost concern for himself, and forgot to look at a menacing fate. He became not a man but a member. He felt that something
Jon Krakauer wrote an extraordinary book entitled Into the Wild, which was adapted for film by Sean Penn. The book and film tell about McCandless life which the son of wealthy parents, who graduates from Emory University as a top student and athlete.McCandless was smart and love to write a real story, which that let him to go to Alaska, I agree with him to write a real story it should to be someone lived . Also, he was ignorant at the same time.
Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer is a piece of literature that explains the strange, yet popular, death of a young man named Chris McCandless. Throughout the book, Krakauer uses quotes to express how Chris’s personality touched each person he met as he traveled the country, making his way to the state of Alaska. Krakauer does amazing job by going in depth and really researching the death of Chris, his friends and acquaintances reactions, and similar stories that follow the same pattern as the one of Chris. But Krakauer wrote this book for a reason. The nonfiction novel was written because after writing an article on McCandless, the author found himself haunted by his death, but also related to the type of person Chris was, and wanted to learn more about the boy who died in the wilderness. He wanted to find answers. Krakauer’s purpose was to inform us of the bizarre death of Chris McCandless, and to shine light onto his journey across and to discover why he did so, because of how much his death haunted him.
In the book, it mentions how it feels devoid of life and empty, and how it was best for the campers not to run because they would die.
Imagine spending thirty days alone in a tent or a cabin in the wilderness with no technology, electricity, running water, and any form of communication. Every day you wake up to the sight of the beautiful, tall trees and the various wildlife living in the area. Most of the time, you can hear the many sounds of nature: the majestic songs of birds, the whistling in the wind, and trees rustling. But sometimes all you can hear is nothing but silence. Most of us would not be able to do this and we would most likely want to be anywhere but here. Not many people will experience living in the wilderness, but for those who have will have memories to treasure forever. Among those people who would choose this
In Jon Krakuer's novel Into the Wild, the main character, Chris McCandless, seeks nature so that he can find a sense of belonging and the true meaning of who he is. However, it is the essence of nature that eventually takes his life away from him. At the end of his life, he is discovers his purpose and need of other people. After Chris McCandless death in Alaska, Krakuer wrote Into the Wild to reflect on the journey that McCandless makes. Krakuer protrays McCandless as a young man who is reckless, selfish, and arrogant, but at the same time, intelligent, determined, independent, and charismatic. Along with the irony that occurs in nature, these characteristics are the several factors that contribute to McCandless death.
Into the Wild is a book about a young man named Chris McCandless and his decision to go off and live in the wild. He decided to walk deep into the Alaskan wilderness and abandon all of his possessions and family. This book is the authors, Jon Krakauer, version of Chris McCandless’ story put together through interviewing and speaking with people who knew Chris as well as by using letters Chris wrote to his loved ones.
Once an individual dies, his true intentions and feelings can never be known. People can speculate all they want, but unless they have had similar experiences as the individual, they must refrain all judgments. In the nonfiction work Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, many readers have harshly judged the main character, Chris McCandless, as stupid and thoughtless for his dangerous and ultimately fatal adventure in the raw wilderness of Alaska; many have even said he had been suicidal. The author attempts to display Chris as a human being with meaningful intentions and emotional yearning rather than just a stereotypical, reckless vagabond by using his own story as a similar experience to Chris’, so readers can begin to understand Chris from a
An outstanding young man, helped the poor, in high school participated in cross-country, intelligent. He was healthy, he sang and performed instruments. Moreover, all that was mentioned, for Christopher, wasn’t enough. He had still a need; a necessity that required discovering in a way outside the commonplace, the wonders, mysteries and obstacles that nature has with it. Thus one day, Christopher McCandless, a newly graduated college student without preambles got rid of his belongings and money in bank accounts. Without giving even a note of warning to his parents and friends, he simply disappeared from society and no one knew what happened to him. It took a lot of courage, to be willing to leave
Throughout life, many people take big chances and do things that are a little out of their comfort zone. But would you, or anyone else in the world, ever truly throw away your life and do something that no other person would truly do? Would you leave everything in your life behind, and start a new life that you don't know what the outcome will be? Not everyone is meant to take risks and chances. With this world, no one ever truly knows what will happen. Some people don't always have the right capabilities that are needed to fulfill a full life in the wild.
Into the Wild is an adventure to be remembered, and shows how the wild shaped and influenced Chris’s life. Jon Krakauer writes the story on the adventure of Chris, and he shows how happiness is felt when shared together. The author Jon Krakauer is also the narrator in the book, and he investigates the people who knew Chris.
Into The Wild is a movie based on a book. It talks about a starved dead body that was found in a bus in the wilderness of Alaska in September 1992, he was a twenty-four year old graduate. His name is Chris McCandless. He goes across the country on a road trip, after graduating high school to spend the summer alone. However he discovers that his father had a another family during Chris’s childhood. McCandless starts as a freshman at Emory, after he returns from the road trip but over time he was so angry over the betrayal of his dad. By the time McCandless is a senior at Emory, he drives away all
As I got near, a heavy silence settled over them; thicker than the uneasy tension in the atmosphere. Unsettled eyes glanced unceremoniously around at me and others tried to avoid catching any glances.