
Into The Wild: A Short Story

Decent Essays

A quarter hour of high noon, sun blazing against the floor of the Desert, across the peaks and valleys: dancing were the prickly cactus to silent ripples of heat, waiting patiently for the rain. Considered a sacred place by natives who lived so many moons ago and by some of those living now, The Superstition Mountains hold countless secrets and there, more than one unsolved mystery has been borne. Many a man, and even a few adventurous women, young and old have come, dreaming of riches only to instead, meet their maker in this devilish place. Dangerous and scorching hot even in early spring, this is no place for the weak of mind, body nor spirit.

The old prospector, Jacob Waltz, out of breath and red faced, was soaked in sweat from head to toe. The hot sun that beat down upon him lent him no mercy. He didn't …show more content…

In that moment, he found it strangely quiet. Somehow the desert seemed to the old man, more unforgiving than ever before.

Jacob stopped and pulled a rag out of his left pocket to wipe the sweat from his brow and catch his breath. When the rattling noise created by his ragged, uneven breathing finally ceased he became aware of an uneasy feeling in the air, accompanied by that strange eerie silence.
"Well, that's mighty strange." He spoke aloud as he panned the area with his squinted old eyes. “Don’t think I've ever seen the devils playground so empty and hushed." But even this anomaly could not keep his thoughts from shortly returning to the fact that this was more likely than not, his last trip. No. He was shaking his head. Old Jacob did not care one iota for the fact that he was getting too old to make the trip to his beloved mine alone. He had considered hiring a hand to help him this time, but oh! How he loathed the prospect of having to share it with anyone. He just couldn't! He wouldn't! After all, he was the one that found it and it was his! All his, by

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