
Introduction. Canine Diabetes Has Become A Common Health

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Canine diabetes has become a common health concern in recent years, affecting twenty-two to forty percent of the canine population globally (German, 2006). Dogs diagnosed with diabetes are typically classified as insulin-resistant or insulin-deficient, these two categories are commonly referred to as type 1 diabetes. The difference between the two main types of canine diabetes is the body’s inability to respond to insulin, insulin-resistant, or the inability to produce insulin, insulin-deficient. Presently, there is no evidence of type 2 diabetes in the canine model (Short et al., 2009). Type 2 diabetes is the most common type to affect humans and is often a result of obesity. Type 2 DM can be managed through diet and avoid …show more content…

Evidence uncovered by research focused on the genetic markers of diabetes mellitus shows different genetic markers depending on the breed of dog. Genetic markers are also influenced by the specific type of diabetes (Short et al., 2009). That is to say a dog with insulin-deficient diabetes may have a different allele altered than a dog with insulin-resistant diabetes. There is some evidence that certain dogs could have a genetic trait which produces antibodies to the naturally occurring b-cells. When this occurs, the body’s white blood cells are destroying the b-cells or the insulin that binds to the b-cells preventing the uptake of insulin (Rand et al., 2004).

According to collected data from numerous studies, some breeds are considered to be at-risk for diabetes (Catchpole et al., 2005, German, 2006, Short et al., 2009, Rand et al., 2004). This corresponds with the information gathered concerning genetic predisposition for diabetes; it is logical for a particular breed with a particular affected allele would have a higher prevalence of diabetes than those breeds in which a genetic marker for diabetes is not present. The breeds most likely to develop diabetes are: Cairn Terriers and Samoyeds are the most likely breeds to develop diabetes. Miniature Poodles, Collies, King Charles Cocker Spaniels, and Schnauzers are at a slightly elevated risk. Labradors, German Shepard’s, and mixed breeds do not

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