
Introduction During the past 10-15 years video games and movies have been in constant competition.

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During the past 10-15 years video games and movies have been in constant competition. Whether the game plot is original or has developed from a movie, the same with movies. There have been plenty of times when videos games have been made into to movies and have been least successful than the game, also vise versa. Both movies and games have a hand in advertising through there specific medium, and many experiments has conducted to figure out which one if more influential. Depending on which medium and whats it is portraying also determines if a movie is more influential than a video game.
Movies or Video Games: Which is more influential?
Movies have a greater influence on its audience than video games because have a broader …show more content…

The researchers tested using two different studys. The first study tested “coded” the primary and secondary characters in 20 top grossing teen movies between 1995 and 2005. The characters were coded based on whether or not their presence was crucial to the plot, also on race, and age. Also whether the character intentionally exhibits social cooperative behavior, Socially aggressive behavior and the outcomes of those actions. The second study primarily investigates to what degree, gender related beliefs and attitudes are influenced by the teenage film. The researchers also applied the social cognitive theory to this particular experiment. They believed that exposure to these movies and affinity with the main primary and secondary characters will influence the evaluations of friend behavior, perception of female friendships, gendered beliefs and perceptions regarding roles of women in society. To test these variables they gatherted 135 undergraduate student ages 19 and 20 in an introductory communication course at a large university in the southwest part of the united states. Independent variables used factor anaylsis and only those who had hager than a .5 factor load was retauned. Exposure was measured by having participant look at a list of teen movies and note how mant they’ve seen or owned. Affinity was measure on a scale of 1-5, 1 being strongly

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