
Is Bullying A Serious Problem?

Satisfactory Essays

History of the Problem Bullying has been an ongoing problem all over the world for as long as people can remember. Bullying by definition is, to use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Bullying is a very serious problem, victims of bullying are more prone to depression. Bullying does not affect just one group, it can happen to anyone making it a prevalent threat to all of society. Approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying.(need citation), and every year 3.2 million students fall victim to bullying. These number are alarming and growing. Physical bullying is not the only type of bullying. Recently within the last two decades technology development has skyrocketed, while this is a positive thing, it has allowed for bullies to change up their tactics and attack and bully from the anonymity of the internet. This allows for the bully to do, say, and post whatever appeases them without being caught. The term cyberbully was nonexistent before the 2000’s. It came into play once companies started to release apps that allowed for social interaction amongst people. Apps such as MySpace, Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter started to gain much popularity among the people. The term cyber bullying is defined as bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Cyber bullying can happen through an extensive array of methods, some are texts, phone calls, im’s, email, chat rooms etc

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