Is College Worth It? Is college really worth it? This is a question many students start to ask as the college cost increases and jobs are harder to get. Although getting accepted into a good college is a great start, the student needs to be motivated, talented, as well as creative. If a student has those qualities, that student will be successful in the future (Rouse, Cecilia E; debater 4). The education that one receives from a college will be very beneficial to people in many ways. College is worth it for meeting new people, learning new things, and experiencing and working on the right path to take. College from a personal perspective is quite the experience. Me being a student-athlete, it's more than just an athlete. It's more about a student. A student-athlete undergoes a lot of stress though, when it comes down to it. For me, I have very short hours of studying, typing papers, and completing homework …show more content…
College has made me figure out what I want to do in the future. It has made want to be a marketing manager for Travis Transportation Inc. They experience many new things during their journey throughout college. College allows people to undergo an atmosphere that is a step closer to the “real world” (Arnett, Jeffery Jensen; debater 5). “College allows emerging adults to try out a wide variety of possible paths to their future. It is worth the time because the benefits last a lifetime” (C.Carter 2011). During the progression of explorations, some people instantly become aware of which path they should follow. For many others, it may only be the starting point at their exploration, yet they will still leave college with a positive consequence of having a stronger understanding of themselves (Arnett, Jeffery Jensen; debater 5). For an example, being in college has made me understand myself a little bit better, knowing what I want in life and how I want to achieve
College is an opportunity to truly discover who you are. Often enough, you hear people saying “You should really major in this field, I think you would really enjoy this career.” or, “Do you think you really want to study that? Have you thought about what you will be doing ten years from now?” filling your mind with self doubt, uncertainty, and the anxiousness of not knowing what you want to do with the rest of your life. Mark Edmundson wrote an article titled, Who Are You and What Are You Doing Here?, published in Oxford American addressing college students and their families how the most important thing college students should focus on is personal growth. When students take their courses seriously their engagement can help finding out who they really are and which future career will lead not necessarily to great financial success, but to a career and life that is very satisfying. Edmundson wants to inspire his audience and have them take what he is saying seriously. Edmundson uses satirical informal language and hypothetical situations to effectively persuade college students to focus on their personal growth in order to create a life and career that is deeply fulfilling.
What Is College For? By Gary Gutting is an analytical article upon the importance of a higher education to the public, he begins by discussing the statistics of what college has deemed worthful to people after their education. It was evident that many found it to be useful later on in life and helped them mature and grow intellectually. Gutting also points out that although many people find themselves to be successful later on after college that not everybody had the same experience, many had to drop out for the fact that a higher education was considered to be too expensive, or dropout rates too high. It is evident that he deems college to be an investment for many people who were fortunate enough to attend, therefore, providing the habits of mind of engagement, persistence, and openness to display how they play key points to the qualifying traits of a college student.
More people than ever before are attending college due to the endless opportunities that it provides. Louis Menand, a college professor and the author of “Live and Learn: Why We Have College,” explains the meaning of college through three theories that have been developed. Theory 1 supports the idea of the sorting-out process that separates the highly intelligent from the less intelligent. Menand’s second theory explains that college provides opportunities for developmental growth, personal growth, and teaches individuals about the world around us. These are valuable lessons that will not be learned anywhere else. Theory three supports the idea of people attending college to specialize in a specific vocation. I
What we get out of the college experience, we use in our day to day lives. Even the things we think aren’t important or useful end up becoming helpful. The material we learn in college is fundamental when it comes jobs and life in general. We are taught to make choices. We are taught how the real world works, and how to turn our education into our way of life. “…the really significant education in thinking that we’re supposed to get in a place like this isn’t really about the capacity to think, but rather about the choice of what to think about.” (Wallace 199).
Preparing for College after graduating from high school is considered to be as one of the most thought by students. Even so, most students nowadays are uncertain whether attending college will be a good advantage for them. Some believe that it is a waste of time and money, but most people consider it as a reason to thrive in life. Unlike High school, College is certainly different because it determines your future and should be taken more earnestly by the students. College education is a worth of cost because it basically provides students with great benefits, which can be a good help in shaping their future goals.
While I am at college, I believe I will be compelled to think critically and creatively due to a newfound freedom and supportive educational system. I want college to assist in my personal growth; moreover, I anticipate college watering me into the brilliant life I desire to be. Improvements in my confidence; indecision; and personal hindrances, but I will still solely be
For an outsider looking in , college seems as if it’s the perfect mix of stress, higher education opportunities, and procrastination at its purest form. The singular reason why this experience would be worthwhile is if one would remember the drive to achieve the best quality of life can only come from the performance done within the college setting. It can lead to job openings, countless experiences to put on a resume, or it can lead to chance on a different life. So why have I decided to attend college, what is my plan, why am I going in the first place, and what family college history has lead me to this life altering choice?
A college education can be a major life achievement, but the cost versus worth of this achievement is debatable. It can be a major life achievement and allows students to explore career options because they offer students a lot of opportunities to a wide variety of courses that may provide a career. “Even though colleges are expensive, it is worth for the future life achievement” ( Leohardt 25). You get a better job and a lot more money because most corporations only hire people with a college degrees. You can be more productive for the society and meet different people and meet different fields of studies.
From the moment you graduate high school, everyone including your friends, teachers, and parents, express how college is one of the most life changing experience you’ll ever encounter. You enter a world of new surroundings, faces, and education system. You’ve been preparing yourself since the first day of kindergarten to enter this new world. The purpose of college is identified as the preparation to guide one through the workforce and adulthood. College is the fundamental key to succeeding in your career. As a junior in college, I have acknowledged the manifest functions of college such as socialization, social placement, and other social agents. But there are also many things that are
College is a chance to be free and is a bridge between the real world and school. I’m an adult and expected to behave as such; I make my own choices where I have to decide what is important to me. I have an opportunity to learn how the world works, to explore the limitless possibilities and a chance to admire how vast knowledge can be. College will change my life in the way that I can develop life skills outside academics, to be fully
College always seems to find a way to the back of student minds. Every single one of them wondering if college is worth the time and energy. College have opened many doors for people who went to college and graduated than the ones that did not. The ones who already experienced college report how the experience helped them shape themselves. They also claim that their college experience made them confront many different challenges that they later again experienced in the ‘real world’. Even though some individuals think that college is not a coming of age experience, it has been proven that college is an important coming of age experience because it makes students realize some of life’s obstacles and help them prepare for their future journey called life.
I came to college to explore the world and learn more about myself. In a small town, there’s never much to do. In the country surrounded by corn fields there’s even less. As a little girl college had always been the dream. For the obvious reasons of getting a good education, finding a job, and making money. As I matured my reasons for attending college became more complex. Things at home were never very good and most of time I usually found myself held prisoner in the house. Exploring the world and learning new things had always been my passion. But, as time went on I began to lose my purpose in life. I soon realized that college could help me find that purpose that I was searching for.
There has been lots of questioning as to whether college is worth its cost or not. College can be really expensive and because of this, graduates are remaining unemployed and having trouble finding jobs. Some may think college isn’t worth the cost, but others may think that it is because it prepares you for more than a job or career. Although college might not be worth the cost, everyone needs some form of training or specific education to attain a high paying job.
Several of the authors we read emphasize the importance of education. In the article “Why Go To College,” by the University of North Texas insists that going to college is a lifetime investment that will broaden your interests. They assert that going to college is a hard decision to make. The purpose is to give reasons that having a college degree will pursue your goals, meet lifetime friends, and define yourself in ways you can only imagine. This idea of the article is significant because it shows students that college will benefit you in the future. According
College affords many unique opportunities to grow as a person. I believe that my experience at college has transformed me into the person I am today. I have become a better, more well-rounded person through the experiences I’ve had. More importantly, the trials I’ve faced have allowed me to realize who I truly want to be in the future.