
Is College Worth It?

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The Importance of a College Degree There is no simple answer to the question “Is College worth it?” Where some degrees pay for themselves while others simply do not. Many students are contemplating whether or not to take on huge student loans, because they are constantly told that college is the gateway to the middle class and the way to a secure and steady income. So the questions still on the mind is “Do the benefits of college still outweigh the costs?” I believe that although college brings heavy loans upon us, it is still necessary to do in order to survive and compete against others applying for the up and coming jobs. Recent college graduates who are working full-time earn about $15,000 more annually than their peers, who have only a high school diploma. Jobs that only require a high school diploma or GED will not pay as much as the jobs requiring employees to have a bachelor or even higher, so graduating college with a degree is almost required in today’s society. Consequently, students are forced to choose the lesser of two evils: pay the great price to go to college with the possibility of suffering an enormous amount of student debt, or earn far less over a lifetime and undergo a greater likelihood of being unemployed for long periods, without the prospect of finding a reliable job. When looking at the two options, college still seems to always win because despite the recent struggles of college graduates, investing your time in a college degree may be more

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