
Is College Worth It?

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Statistics Say Yes To College If you walked across the stage at your high school graduation ceremony you probably were confronted by the options of college, military service, work force, etc. If you decide college is the place to go, then questions start to arise, how am I going to pay for college, where should I go, what do I want to study. Is college is a voluntary place to further your education or is it mandatory to achieve a decent paying job? College has now become something that everyone is choosing because no one wants to be paid minimum wages their whole life. A problem for college graduates today is the debt load that they come out of college with. This debt makes life for these recent college graduates a struggle of making …show more content…

Cheever says that most parents are willing to invest or borrow $100,000 to help their kid make it out of college with a solid degree that will take him/her far in life’s journey (103). But what if your parents don’t have the money? Well then scholarships and grants could be a way for you to achieve your dreams of higher education.
The solution to the problem of choosing whether or not college is the way to go is simple. If you can afford to go and have motivation to work hard for a degree in something you find interesting, then it truly is worth it to choose college first before going into the work force. Adam seemed to find the same solution in his essay that yes indeed college is the route to choose if you want to live a comfortable life with a good job (61). Cheever stats that college is the right decision after high school but he believes that colleges also need to work harder to serve students long after their years are done at that college. There should be more benefits and alumni services for people who took the time to graduate (103).
All in all, College is worth the money you pay. A student with a 4year degree will earn $20,000 dollars more a year and over $1 million more in their lifetime. Post education is shown that its not only worth it but that if you have an opportunity to go to college and further you knowledge that you should because it will be well worth both your time and money that you invested into it. It might take a lot of

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