
Is Google Making USupid Analysis

Decent Essays

In a Nicholas Carrs essay ”Is Google Making us Stupid?” he expresses that the webs job is to scatter our attention and diffuse our concentration and I encountered this multiple times when reading an article on national Geographic about the African elephants. I could not seem to absorb any information while attempting to read the article due to pop up links and other distractions in the sidebar. In his essay I believe he brings up some very good points with addressing his concern with a unique perspective and outlook on Google. He brings up an interview from 2004 with Newsweek Brian, an employee of Google who states “ certainly if you had all of the world information directly touch your brain or an artificial brain that was smarter than your …show more content…

When I initially opened the Internet browser I was presented with an add stating "you are the lucky winner of a computer" I know I was not obviously but it was unusual to be immediately bombarded with add , from there I started out by looking at the article from National Geographic from there I went down to look at what the Page actually consisted of which was 90% ads and I was shocked to see that the article was actually only a few paragraphs and only filled 10% of the page and when I kept looking around and just ignoring any logical thought process I completely lost track of everything I felt like the Internet took over my brain and I was unable to think for myself. It is crazy to think about how powerful the internet really is because it has the ability to take over your mind and make you lose track of time and your actual purpose for being there. It’s like Nicholas car says “you become like a clock dissociated time from human events and helped create the belief in an independent world of mathematically measured sequences the abstract framework of divided time became the point of reference for both action and thought. …show more content…

It’s weird to me even a bit mind blowing that not even 20 minutes into looking at the Internet and bring that man on the Jet ski zipping along I didn’t even realize that I was on a random website with random facts that were completely irrelevant, to think that that was what was consuming my life for that 20 minutes. After coming in contact and experiencing this it makes me think of one argument featured in Nicholas Carrs essay which was “media are not just passing channel the information they supply the stuff of thought process it and what’s the net seems to be chipping away my capacity for concentration.” I cannot express how true I believe his statement is because of the way the Internet throws irrelevant ads and ridiculous information and giving you a constant reminder to share and repost almost everything. As crazy as it sounds this just causes you to have this natural impulse to just click click click all of these ads and it’s scary and you're in an environment where it’s just taking over and you lose all your deep thought you lose almost

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