
Is It Better To Drink Soda Good Or Bad?

Decent Essays

There are many reasons people choose to drink soda. A few of the reasons being that soda is relatively inexpensive, temporarily boosts energy, and tastes good. While these things may seem great, soda is not great for people’s bodies. Alabama is ranked second in the United States in obesity with 35.6% of adults being obese (Trust for Amer.’s Health and Rob. Wood Johnson Found.). Some effects of drinking soda are easily seen, like obesity; but other effects like various health problems and decrease in consumption of water and milk are not seen as easily. Living in Alabama, obesity is nothing new to me. While it is quite likely to see someone overweight almost anywhere I go, it is becoming more and more likely to see someone chronically obese. …show more content…

While obesity is something that can generally be seen in physical appearance, things like brittle teeth and diabetes aren’t as easily seen, along with many other health complications. According to Kanigel, soda contains acid that causes teeth to decay. She says the acid is more damaging than “solid sugar…in candy” (P?). The acid in soda eats away at the protective outer layer of teeth, causing them to deteriorate. I can attest to this because it has happened to me, and I am still recovering from the effects. As a child, my parents did not monitor my soda intake. I did not know any better, so soda was all I drank. That eventually led to many cavities which would later lead to decaying spots on my teeth. I now have permanently sensitive teeth. It wasn’t long after the spots started showing up that I learned a hard lesson; soda was not for me. I was reluctant to drinking water due to the lack of flavor, but it is now my favorite drink. Making that choice to put down soda and pick up water was the best decision I ever made. Another negative effect of drinking soda is diabetes. The excess sugar consumed causes the bodies insulin to increase. The amount of people suffering type two diabetes has significantly increased since 1980. In the 80’s only “6.6 million” people suffered, but that number has now grown to “20.8 million” people (Kanigel P). In addition to that, women taking in “one or more sugary …show more content…

Our bodies are made up of mostly water, so it is crucial to our bodily functions that we stay hydrated. Milk contains calcium which is important for strengthening bones. A decrease in milk consumption leads to brittle bones. Along with a decrease in calcium, an increase in the acid from sodas also weakens bones (Kanigel P). Bones support the framework our bodies are made of. Without them we could not perform many basic actions. Without an arm bone, how could you eat, drink, or type an essay? Bones are an important part of our existence, so it is important we take care of them. Children who drink more soda and have weaker bones are more susceptible to breaking or fracturing bones (Kanigel

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