
Is It Good Or Evil?

Satisfactory Essays

This is one subject that has been argued over for centuries : to what extent are people evil? There are some that believe in ultimate hierarchy and there should be one ultimate government. No one can be overruled. This half also tends to believe that humans are inherently evil. On the other hand, those who oppose, although they also believe there should be some form of government, it should not be ruled by only one all-powerful sovereign. Those believe the people should be governed lightly and subjected to them. There are some who believe whether a person is good or evil depends on their need for survival, the way they were born, the way they were raised, or even their social and psychological status. This other half are convinced that people are inherently good. However, based upon all the evidence, everything strongly points back to humans having an innate sense to be good rather than evil. Humanity is good until they are given an excessive amount of power, their situation or environment causes them to change the way they live, or when society is involved. There are many possible factors that can make a good human do something bad, the amount of power someone has is a big one. In Lord of the Flies, when the kids decide Ralph should be their leader, Jack declares that he should be chief but he does not get the rank. Although he is not really leader, his mindset decides let him think that he is. In Jack’s mind, a leader has to be strong, fierce, and powerful. When

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