
Is It The Struggle To Move Beyond Gdp Analysis

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Is It What You Measure That Really Matters? The Struggle to Move beyond GDP in Canada
Hayden & Wilson (2016) discuss whether “beyond GDP” indictors have lived up to expectations, and if not, what obstacles they are facing. Hayden & Wilson (2016) explain that the need for alternative measures to GDP arose as a result of GDP limitations at measuring wellbeing. Alternate wellbeing indicators are either complements to GDP challenging the emphasis put on economic growth or directed at promoting “de-growth” to achieve a sustainable, steady-state economy (Hayden & Wilson, 2016). Therefore, there are two main expectations for these alternate indicators including: 1) the transformative vision that strives to shift priorities away from growth and; …show more content…

Hayden & Wilson (2016) also identify constructing and agreeing on alternative measures as challenges. These include: access to data; access to the resources needed to produce alternative measures, which is especially true in Canada where the government hasn’t taken the responsibility of producing these alternatives; different motivations behind the need for new indicators; unresolved questions about how to link new indicators to an action or program; identifying individuals with the power to drive political actions; and universal consensus on the best alternative measures and their construction. Hayden & Wilson (2016) identify the Canadian specific obstacle of “anti-reflexive conservatism”, whereby conservative governments ignore evidence of the benefits of alternative indicators. Hayden & Wilson (2016) conclude that in Canada new socio-economic wellbeing indicators are viewed as political efforts to include ecological and social values into decision-making, rather than as a transformative force that can induce change. Hayden & Wilson (2016) believe continued work has to be done to develop support of these indicators and promote governments to adopt these alternative measurements realizing their benefits to induce change.

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