
Is It True That Acting Quickly and Instinctively Is the Best Response to a Crisis? or Are There Times When an Urgent Situation Requires a More Careful Consideration and a Slower Response? Sat Paper

Decent Essays

Prompt 8
“A man who waits to believe in action before acting is anything you like, but he is not a man of action. It is as if a tennis player before returning the ball stopped to think about his views of the physical and mental advantages of tennis. You must act as you breathe.” – Georges Clemenceau
Is it true that acting quickly and instinctively is the best response to a crisis? Or are there times when an urgent situation requires a more careful consideration and a slower response?

Differentiating circumstances determine the best course of action to take whether it is a carefully constructed and slower response or a quick instinctive reaction to a crisis; it all depends on the level of urgency and time and resources available. …show more content…

In this scenario either an objective observer or a rational decision from an insider needs to occur to determine their paths of action. Because they both acted irrationally and emotionally influenced it resulted in the eventual heartbreaking demise of both Romeo and Juliet.

History proves the embody the ideals of planned responses as a course of action to an urgent situation like one of divided nationalism and prospective anarchy. Close to the start of the American Civil War in 1861, America was divided between the southern states defending their right to slavery of African Americans and the rest of the country. The southern states in general rebelled against Lincoln’s leadership and denied his authority over them leading to imminent anarchy that he was forced to go to war in order to reassert that authority and leadership and unite the country. Up until this present day it is still debatable whether he should or should not have gone to war but it opens up the questions and the possibilities of a calmer planned response. The atrocities of the American Civil War shed light on the ideals of a slower planned reaction to the crisis. However it is undeniable that either response, instinctive or planned, would have both effective and detrimental effects on the country but to what extent is the question.
History, literature and day to day tales of crises and solutions have taught us that the time of response to a catastrophe required is entirely dependent

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