
Is Stereotyping Effective?

Decent Essays

“If you wear hair extensions, you must be fake”, “If you are ginger, you have no soul”, “If you are Asian, you must be intelligent”, “If you are from Italy, you must cook very well” These are some examples for stereotyping. Have you ever used this kind of expressions? The answer has to be “yes” because we all do that, sometimes without notice it. For example, people who comes from a travel and had contact with some persons from a particular country and found them to be cheerful and open-mind, may say that all the people from that country behaves in that way. But, before to take a position about if that kind of behaviors are good or bad, it is important to understand what is exactly the meaning of this word.
Oxford Dictionaries defines stereotype as a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person or thing, but which is often not true in reality1. It is important to keep in mind: “an idea” involves characteristics as gender, race, national origin, money, behaviors, among others. These ideas could, at many times, inducing you to prejudge about people. Believe that somebody is quite, rude, cheerful without talking with it one word. And, if you think that this kind of behavior is bad for you, you could discriminate people, just for …show more content…

It is because people need to categorize, to understand the world in an easy way. We need to summarize information and be prepared to any situation. It helps us to predict what each individual is like. Finally, it allows us to be part of a group and feel that we belong to a group of people.2 Also movies and artist tend to use stereotypes for showing the information that they want to transmit to spectators. For example when in a movie there is a man who is carrying a bag with something white inside, then we need to categorize what is the role of the character. If the man looks like to be French, He must to be baker, but if the man looks like to be South American, he must to be a drug

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