
Is Virginia 's Poll Tax Unconstitutional?

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If We Are All Equal, We Should All Be Able to Vote Equally Docket number forty-eight, is Virginia’s poll tax unconstitutional? Originally the poll tax was a prerequisite to voting. It would make the residents of Virginia, and some other southern states residents, pay a fee to vote in the electoral process. Each fee was about two dollars per person and per vote, at that time the minimum wage had just been raised to $1.40 per hour. So you can see, the two dollars to vote was very much out of reach giving way to only the wealthy to call the vote as they want; which was generally not what the state, as a whole, needed to serve and help all the residents of Virginia. Should Docket number forty-eight, filed by Annie Harper, had failed in 1966, we could still have the poll tax. Which in today’s time, it would be the equivalent of about fifteen dollars in 2013 (Supreme 2). The general public would still not be able to afford their constitutional right to vote. Imagine not being able to vote in the 2016 elections. It was such an important, controversial and life changing vote that more people voted than anyone could have predicted. However, with the poll tax, most would still not be able to afford it. It would be left to the upper class, the ones with the money. The middle class and below would have to go voiceless because of the tax and discrimination, and lack of affordability, leaving citizens without a voice as to how and who should run our country. This caused descent and

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