
Is Voting A Right Or Privilege?

Decent Essays

In 1870 the Constitution guaranteed the right to vote to all men that were 21 or older regardless of race or ethnic background. It wasn’t until 1920 that women of the age 21 and older had the right to vote. Finally, in 1965 The Voting Rights Act was applied and gave all US citizens the right to vote. Since 1965, we often wonder to ourselves, is voting a right or a privilege? Some say it's a privilege, and others say it's a right, but I believe it's both. “Nowhere in the constitution does it say “all individuals have the right to vote.””(Garrett Epps), so that means the constitution does not protect the right for all citizens to vote, but rather the right for all qualified citizens to vote. Eighteen states have voter-ID requirements which means if you meet those requirements then you have the privilege to vote. The same for when you become of age, eighteen. Some states have the law that “if you’re a felon then you are not allowed to vote.”( Jeff, Fleischer). If you’re not a felon, then you have the privilege to vote. All state requirements and laws show that voting is a privilege, not a right. “All US citizens have the right to vote.”(Veraclty Media). The 15th Amendment guarantees all American citizens of at least eighteen years of age a constitutionally protected individual the …show more content…

As a US citizen of eighteen years or older have the right to vote, but we could always have that taken away from us which makes it a privilege. We have the privilege to take part in history. We as US citizens have the right to vote for who we want to run our country. I do not see that as a right, but as a privilege because not every country gets to vote for who their leader is going to be, they are just stuck with one or runs a different system. We have the privilege to choose. We also have the right to not be rejected to vote because of our gender or race. So in some parts, voting is a right, but in the most part, voting is a

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