
Isaac Asimov's Profession

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It feels as if one is an inmate in a prison. No one is given a choice of what to do. Instead, the officers and officials decide what everyone is going to do, and when they are going to do it. Everyone is seen as the same in this environment, so everyone is treated the same. In Isaac Asimov’s story “Profession,” George feels this is exactly how the leaders in his society treat their citizens. Everyone in the society is treated the same way, and this is what makes George feel clueless about who he really is. To begin with, George and others are not given any choice whatsoever about what they want to be educated in. In Asimov’s society, the citizens are already “programmed” for their education (Asimov 36). This can be an advantage in a few cases, and in many cases, it can be a disadvantage. An advantage to being “programmed” for education in this society is that someone will be matched …show more content…

Not only can one gain knowledge to learn about one’s self, but also one can gain knowledge about important life skills that can be used in the future and beyond. These important life skills include learning, asking questions, and understanding something without help from others, along with being aware of differing opinions in different areas (Pellegrino 266-267). Even if George was not given the opportunity to learn about a specific area, he should have at least been able to learn these simple life skills so he does not feel like he means nothing to the world. The idea of learning important life skills to help feel important in the world does not only apply to George. It applies to me also. As I start my journey through college and through liberal arts education, I will learn the important life skills to help me discover myself, and the college will be here to give me the variety of classes to help make me a well-rounded

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