On a scale of 1 to 3, with 3 being the highest, I would rate, Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell a 3. One reason why I give this classic novel a 3, is because, unlike other novels based on true life ones, Scott O’Dell manages to captivate the readers. He captivates his readers because with the way he writes, you are able to transport yourself into the novel, imagining yourself on the adventure with Karana to get the teeth of the bull sea elephant, “Again the young bull’s flank was ripped deep, and again the force of the blow threw him backward into the water...The sound was like rocks crashing together” (O’Dell 83). Another reason why I give Island of the Blue Dolphins a 3, is because it showcases a strong female lead, Karana.
On Thursday, June 22, the Blythe Desert Dolphins hosted their second home swim meet, where they competed against the Brawley Sunstrokers and the Holtville Stingrays at the Palo Verde High School pool.
There are five teams that are worthy of being called the greatest team in NFL history: the 1972 Miami Dolphins, the 1978 Pittsburgh Steelers, the 1984 San Francisco 49’ers, the 2007 Patriots, however the 1985 Chicago Bears stand out amongst the crowd because of their outrageous defense, popularity amongst the NFL fans, and their roster that was filled with Hall of Fame talent. According to the 1985 Chicago Bears Statistics & Players (2017), the team finished with a season record of 15-1. News analyst Tony Andracki (2016) stated that, “The 1985 Bears turned in one of the most dominant seasons in American Sports” (p.1).
It is a hard one. I suppose in terms of the emotions and the fact that it was true to real life in a lot of ways--Beach Lane which came midway through the series and actually involved characters--except for Mick and others who are ongoing--it involves characters we're not even going to see in the TV show at this point. The emotional depth and because of what is going on between those particular characters I thought was a really strong book. The other one, again which we're not going to get to any time soon although it's earlier in the series, is the book in which Mick and Megan finally get back together which was in A Chesapeake Shores Christmas. And I kind of loved the way it all came together. I loved Mick and Megan together. It's one of those things we have to wait and
I give the book Michael Vey 1 The Prisoner of Cell 25 5 out of 5 stars because it is action filled, the main character goes through many different emotions, and because it has many unexpected turns.
The Marcus Island healthcare system is characterized as socialized medicine where all residents have access to primary care, pharmaceuticals and diagnostic testing. While residents have access to care, they are responsible for a small portion of the payment at the time of service, and in some cases, those who are willing to pay a premium are afforded better access to services. While patients themselves believe their healthcare is either adequate or good, there are several aspects of the Marcus Island healthcare system that suggest care could be better. Specially, Marcus Island’s health care system has been running increasing budget deficits for the past five years. The health care system lacks access to comprehensive
I have learned, after reading this book, that loyalty is something you have to use when it comes to family. Have you ever heard the saying, “When you’re part of a team, you never leave a man behind”? Well it is used all the time in books, speeches, movies, and everyday life. Does anybody really take this phrase into consideration while living their life? In the book, The Island of Blue Dolphins, by Scott O’Dell the main character, Karana, is so loyal to her team (tribe), that she will never be able to leave a man behind. She is especially loyal when it comes to family, when her beloved brother, Ramo, is forgotten. On the island of Blue Dolphins, where the native tribe controls the island, a group of Poachers named the “Aleuts” come and hunt
Based on Travel Nation, Guadalupe Island, as well as Isla Guadalupe, has turned into a best discovering location for excellent white fanatics in the last 12 years about. Crystal-clear underwater visibleness and also hot water temps (averages range between sixty seven to seventy two degrees) make that a particularly attractive dive place, and a top place to go for large-game fishing.
Why resilience is important-based on the novel Island of the Blue Dolphins written by Scott O’Dell
In the story of The Island of “Kora”, the island had been devastated by a violent earthquake that had been triggered by a volcano eruption four years earlier. The island which had prior to the disaster been about twenty square miles in size and been reduced to less than a fourth that size to about four square miles. The island prior to the earthquakes had previously been able to support comfortably 850 to 900 people. It was a peaceful island where the inhabitants got along well. Because of the disasters the lives of the inhabitants had been changed forever.
In conclusion the book the color of water I enjoyed very much because most books will just have one kind of point of view but this book had a child and his mother and to figure out some history from both sides makes it interesting, and the certain chapters I talked about in the story is what I found was most important and interesting and I believe most people would agree, and this is a book I would highly
We don’t join two distantly related groups because their members have independently evolved some similar features. Humans and the bottle- nosed dolphins for example share the same pinnacle brain size among mammals. Dolphins are more closely related with whales and humans are more closely related with apes. We follow the same principles with our own genealogies. For example a boy with Down’s syndrome is still his parents son and not by the reason of his affliction, more closely related to other Down’s syndrome children, no matter how long the list of similarity features. Zebras exist in three species, all with black and white stripes, but differ with in numbers of stripes and patterns. The three species are all members of the genus Equus, as
“Rosette was born the same day that Gambo disappeared. That is how it was. Rosette helped me through the worry that they would take him alive and with the emptiness he left in my heart. I was absorbed in my daughter. That Gambo was running through the jungle pursued by Cambray 's dogs occupied only a part of my thoughts” (Allende, 134) Those words are said by Zarité, the main character of the book Island Beneath the Sea by the Chilean Isabel Allende, translated and published in the United States on 2009. It starts on the Island of Saint-Domingue (actual Haiti) from 1770 to 1793 and the second part, take place on Louisiana, USA, from 1793 to 1810. About the main character, Allende said: "Of all the characters I created, that of Zarité for me that I have more the feeling that existed". While Island beneath the Sea, I have been clarifying, predicting and finally, evaluating.
The book I chose for my third book report is “The Sirens of Titan", a 326 page novel by Kurt Vonnegut. I chose this book because initially the synopsis caught my interest and I had heard a great deal about the writing of Vonnegut although, I had never actually read any of his works. I thought, based on the theme of the story, that it would be an interesting read; despite my tendency to read books outside of the science fiction genre, I figured I would try something new and give this book a chance.
Some may ask, “What is a turning point in life?” A turning point is when life turns into a different direction. Turning points aren’t as easy as they sound. Most of the time, turning points are stressful times, but the result of the complex decision is what affects one’s thoughts and possibly the way he/she looks at his/her surroundings. The following will state how Karana (Island of the Blue Dolphins,) Rachel (Eleven,) and Moon Shadow (Dragonwings) faced life changing decisions which impacted their lives.
I would rate this book a 7.2 on the non-fiction adventure scale. It was very detailed and backed up with loads of input from everyone involved, and the story itself was exceptionally interesting. It kept you thinking and wondering about what factors helped create this tragedy.