It Takes an Entire Nation to Solve an Economic Crisis
The foreclosure crisis is genuine and terrifying for what it could mean for America’s economic future. Home foreclosure may result from unemployment, excessive and unexpected medical costs and family problems. These issues are more chronic than they are acute and so it is impossible to say that there is a quick fix or a single solution to solving the foreclosure crisis. While some individuals want to wait out the crisis and let it fix itself, I believe that the current administration must “think out of the box” and find innovative and varied measures to try and tackle the problem. I will summarize some possibilities for ways to combat the foreclosure crisis that can help make our
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In order to stop the foreclosure crisis, the government must educate home owners about their options when they enter a situation where foreclosure is a very real possibility. The current administration is no stranger to the power of the internet in terms of education and awareness as it was used heavily during the democratic campaign. The internet is ubiquitous and web-based information travels quickly. It can be used as a tool to help inform home owners about various programs that may assist them during difficult times. The internet is already being used in some cities to help mitigate the effects or prevent additional foreclosures. For example, the city of Detroit, a city hard-hit by foreclosure, has instituted . This website was designed “to help keep people in their homes by providing one centralized location of free, credible information and resources related to the foreclosure process. ” This model can help build confidence and give home owners the information they need. I recommend that this model be applied at local levels across the nation and it will have an impact on future foreclosures.
One of the major causes of the foreclosure crisis is unemployment. Unfortunately, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the current (October 2009) average unemployment rate has reached 10.2%. One way to combat the foreclosure
The current financial crisis, which had its roots from subprime mortgage crisis, began to increase dramatically in September of 2008. There have been significant economic disorders in United States alone. Major banks and financial organizations around the world are going bankrupt and writing down billion dollars. Housing markets are falling not just in United States but all around the world. This crisis is truly global and it is spreading like fire. Because of these economic crises, the US Congress came up with a $700 billion bailout plan to buy troubled assets from financial institutions who are struggling financially. Nevertheless, another bailout was proposed and it's the homeowner bailout. It is known that the foreclosure
The foreclosure crisis in America can only be resolved by every American citizen working together to build a stronger America by changing the way we make decisions for expenditures in our lives. We must stop overextending ourselves beyond our economic means. The foreclosure crisis of America has been caused by Americans borrowing money to purchase a home that they cannot afford. Lending agencies have allowed Americans to borrow more money to buy a home than they can afford. Each lending agency seemingly used logical reasoning that if they did not lend the funds to the homeowners, another agency would. The foreclosure crisis was caused by homeowners, businesses, banks, and even the government. The economic recovery depends on not
Since the Great Depression, our economy has not seen such devastating downturns. As a result, many of us have lost our jobs and subsequently, our homes. The current foreclosure crisis is affecting 1 out of every 5 Americans, Jonathan Lain (How to Solve the Foreclosure Crisis). So now the focus is on finding ways to solve the growing epidemic of foreclosures. I propose that the government fund a non-profit organization, whose mission is to reduce the number of foreclosures among the American people. Furthermore, although the initial funding would come from the government, as a non-profit, the agency would be able to obtain grants and hold fundraising events in
There is by no means a simple solution to solving the home foreclosure epidemic but there are many changes that can be made to help Americans across the globe. The first, I believe starts
The United States’ foreclosure and housing market problems have been well-documented in recent years. This issue has only been heightened by the 2009 economic downturn. Can the sky-rocketing foreclosure market truly be blamed on the recession, however? Can the issue be pinned down on the masses of people who have lost their occupations? Surely many of the cases can be traced back to these harsh conditions, but many more, most likely, can be attributed to something else. Foreclosures are not a new phenomenon and have been a part of American society for years. So, in order to determine a plan for how best to reduce the number of American families losing their homes, it seems best to look backwards rather than simply at the present.
For the last several years, the one issue that has been bringing the United States into a state of trouble that it has not been seen since the great depression has been the monstrous Foreclosure problem. Thousands of people have lost their houses. Thousands of people have faced the dangers of debt and chaos. Thousands of people lives have been ruined because of the mistakes that Americans have done in this nation. In order to solve the problem, one must take a look at how it started and how this depression began. Around eight-nine years ago, the market in housing caused many people to chase after it. This caused a mistake of creating a domino affect that has hurt banks from lending out the high amount of money to people and finding out
You solve this by creating more jobs, thus allowing more people the opportunity to work. If we destroy cyclical unemployment, we make a huge stride in solving the foreclosure crisis.
The mortgage crisis we are experiencing in the United States today is already ranking as among the most serious economic events since the Great Depression of the 1930’s. Hardly a day goes by without a story in the newspaper or on the cable news stations reporting about the increase in the number of foreclosures across the United States. The effects of this crisis have spread across all financial markets, where in the end all of us are paying a price for this home mortgage crisis. When the housing market collapsed, so did the availability of credit which our economy depends upon. The home mortgage crisis, the financial crisis and overall economic crisis all need to address by the
Too many Americans have fallen victim to the crisis that has become the norm for our citizens these days. Lenders no longer want to work with individuals who have gone through the foreclosure process and for many it is not only their homes they lose. Some have lost their jobs and/or families, others fall into a deep depression and worst of all some have taken their own lives.
Foreclosure is a dangerous issue that has swept our nation in the last few years. Americans are losing their homes due to jobs being lost, home values falling, and banks lending out more money than homeowners can afford. Despite the multitude of issues that arise out of foreclosure, the main problem at hand can be almost solely traced to the economy. The recession has put many people out of work, made taking out loans more difficult, and has caused a nationwide panic. Therefore, to completely solve the foreclosure problem, it is necessary to trace the issue back to its roots, being the economy. This would take fifty pages to discuss, so this paper seeks to solve one aspect of foreclosure. Refinancing is an option that has become
Solutions to alleviate the impacts of the foreclosure crisis are absolutely central to the health of our financial systems and the country’s economic stability. The foreclosure crisis is nowhere near an end as mortgages with “teaser rates” are expected to default in catastrophic numbers. The goal of foreclosure solutions must be to keep people in their homes with affordable monthly payments, while still leaving cash in their pockets to contribute to our heavily relied upon consumer based economy. Solutions do not lie in forgiving mortgage loans and billion dollar bank handouts, as this only sets a bad precedent for contract law and regulation standards by condoning financially reckless behavior. We must work with people directly and mortgage modifications must be dealt with on an individual basis.
In Scholes essay, “On Reading a Video Text,” he analyzes the relationships between the photographic techniques and narrative messages in commercials. Photographic techniques cause the viewer to understand their culture in a specific way; cultural reinforcement causes the viewer to construct a story based on the viewer’s knowledge. The images lead to an emotional connection between the commercials message and the viewer. The connection causes the viewer to surrender to the text and by surrendering to the text the viewer accepts the messages. It is important to understand which messages to accept. For these reasons, it is imperative that the viewer understands media literacy. Scholes emphasizes the importance of teaching media literacy in schools. Political campaign ads attempt to get the viewer to surrender to the text and trust what the commercial reveals. Thus, it is vital to
Banks now offer programs to help homeowners/homebuyers, but many times, these loans are often hard to obtain. The current programs have more stringent requirements that are unreasonable for distressed homeowners. In my opinion, the only way to rectify the foreclosure issue is to make a substantial change in how potential homebuyers and homeowners obtain loans.
The United States economy has been in trouble for the past couple of years. The foreclosure crisis is a condition that began due to the inability of homeowners to pay their mortgages. Foreclosure is a legal proceeding whereby a lender obtains a legal termination of a debtor’s right to redemption. The foreclosure rates have been increasing for a considerable period and certain steps have been put into place to solve the problem. While the government, financial institutions and the general public are highly aware of the crisis, the steps taken to combat the problem are still not sufficient as the foreclosure rates are still increasing.
Seeing other people reactions towards foreclosure helps me to develop a meaningful value of life and how to appreciate it everyday of my life. As I see what is going on around me I came up with three plans that can be executed to help all people who are dealing with foreclosure issues. This can become a major factor for the economy. One is called Own A Home , Financially Fit, and Bills To Kill. These are guaranteed plans that will help any individual that feels that they are not financially secured to become a homeowner. The Own A Home program is designed for aspiring homeowner in which they