It’s Been an Honor You’re a sixteen year old with a cell phone; nothing unusual, right? Well in the worlds of many women and girls, having a phone in the family that’s been kept a secret can mean huge trouble for them. Mohammad Ghazal from the Jordan Times informs people that “98% of the Jordan population owns a cell phone”. In the eyes of the parents, however if they were not aware of the possession of the cell phone, it will call for punishment. They’ve kept a secret from their family and their disrespect will consequently cost everything. Was it really worth keeping the phone now that their brother or father will be after their life? This was sadly a true incident with a 20 year-old girl who was tragically shot by her own 18 year old …show more content…
Many people, specifically in Jordan believe that killing in honor is an act that is somewhat acceptable. The act of killing is put on the family men and the pressure that they go through must be nothing but overwhelming. Most of the time men in the family completely agree with the punishment. Women in Jordan, despite the 2010 amendment are still being discriminated. In truth, women can’t pass down their nationality to their children if they marry a foreigner Many in Jordan also believe that whatever they do will have no impact on the society. The actions of the people can cause them to be passive and not care. As a result their attitudes shape they way that they think and how they feel about the victims. The victims who make it alive are not given much sympathy in fact, they are humiliated by the court and police. There are victims who are beaten, suffocated, shot, and murdered, but in the eyes of the public, they deserved it because of the disrespect they put upon the family name. There are many incidents that go to show how unfair the lives of these women are and the pain that they have to go through. Something that many others will never go through, imagine your older or younger brother going after you. How would you feel? Women in Jordan and the Middle East know exactly how it feels to be accused of something
I stand as an outsider looking into a very complex cultural and economic system. I try to understand the perspective of these women but it is impossible because I have not walked in their shoes. Many are resigned to their fate and I wonder if my reaction would not be the same if I were put in a situation in which there were no other options. These women cannot, for whatever reason, be angry about the humiliation and abuse that they suffer, so I feel an obligation to be angry for them and make their plight known to the world.
This cruel act has claimed the life of women who were mothers, aunts , a special friend etc continuing to ignore this matter is like saying the victims does not matter and that the abusers should continue to be protected. As a society we need to stop making the victims feel ashamed to speak out , they did nothing wrong they’re survivors and unfortunately not many survived the battle to tell their story because of their untimely death it is time to wake up and make a change for
This essay will discuss the ways in which gender influences patterns and processes of victimisation, identifying key victimological perspectives and typologies. It will consider key authors in the discipline and offer definitions of terms used. The essay will identify three issues which may impact on gendered victimisation before acknowledging the argument that radical victimology offers a more balanced approach to gendered victimisation than positivist or critical viewpoints.
Being victimized is not a part of ordinary life and to be a victim yourself is excruciating to go through. Victims Mariatu Kamara and Ishmael Beah were both children that were affected greatly from the
When in emergencies kids usually turn to their electronics to contact others for help. Students want to have reassurance and know that if any inconvenience occur they can reach their parents or others as soon as possible. Most parents and children like to stay in touch with one another at all times. Especially if there's a change of plans after school or if there's any accidents that appeared and need to be evacuated immediately. Aside from, rivals say that students are most likely to lose their cell phones. In the meantime, students would be responsible and put it in a safe place at the appropriate time. For these reasons, cell phones should be tolerated on school property in cases of
In our day and age the word honor can mean many different things to different people. The general definition of honor is, a person who is respected, has integrity, is fair and just, hard working, kind, of good moral character, and loyal to the end of time. A person who holds this position of high esteem knows what is being asked of them, and take their service to heart. I feel that honor must be earned and that while not a fragile thing, it can be lost just as easily. We, as Americans, show honor to those who have served, or are currently serving our country. We award them for giving of their time and for sacrificing their comforts to protect all of us. In the past we, as Americans, would teach our children to show respect (honor) to their
Mass Rape is an atrocious violation of person’s human rights. Testifying in an international court can be extremely dangerous and a horrific experience for many people. Whether it is being humiliated and degraded or having ones life threatened , a survivor of rape should always have the option of testifying against their attacker. The international criminal justice system has greatly improved since the Nuremberg trials when rape survivors weren’t allowed to testify or be in court because the courts did not “want a bunch of crying women in the courtroom” .
In some societies, women in the judicial process have very few rights that are the same as men, and their punishment seems to be much greater. Treatment by the Taliban in Afghanistan, and by other groups such as the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood all contribute to how women are treated legally. Zohreh Arshadi asserts that in countries such as Iran, "The Islamic punishments have encouraged a culture of violence against women...The fact that men receive a lighter punishment if they commit a violence against women undoubtedly encourages such violence. We saw how women could be killed with impunity during alleged adultery. Stoning to death for adultery, although technically admissible for both sexes, has also been carried out mainly against women” (Arshadi 2012). It is in countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and some non-Middle Eastern countries where the Qur’an is taken as a literal word and law, and there is constituted into actual state law. This means that certain texts from the Qur’an are used to treat women violently. For example a passage in the Qur’an states: Hadith Muslim (4:1982) The Prophet said, “I saw Hell also. No such (abominable) sight have I ever seen as that which I saw today; and I observed that most of its inhabitants were women. They said: Messenger of Allah, on what account is it so? He said: For their ingratitude or disbelief
I plainly comprehend what you are talking about when it comes to mother fiqure and suicide bombers. However, in these United States, we don't see women as suicide bombers, women are view as nourishing and care taker of families. In any case, in forein countries women are not respected to an higher level.
There are still countries who do not have laws against rape and marital rape, which reinforces how women are view as secondary citizens. “There are 127 countries that still don’t have laws against marital rape – 2.6 billion women live in a country where their husbands can legally rape them” (Logan). Imagine being a women who is in a marriage, who is legally allowed to be raped and degraded by their husbands with no justice by the law. “In countries such as Libya and Afghanistan, female victims of rape are punished by law, and sometimes even maimed, disfigured, or killed by a family member for “dishonoring” their family name” (Logan). Which means even if the woman tries to run away from her husband, or even if she is able to escape her husband and divorce him, her family could disown her, or if captured by officials- or even her family, she could be killed for it.
Reading through chapter 6 over the theories and views that have been towards female victims over the period of years I still see the female victims are still in silence, covering, hiding, in fear and invisible. There are attempts, regulations, and studies put into place as the years go on who see these women and even some who have interacted and tried to help, but from my view and being a women they are
Many children have found themselves to be victims of cell phone abuse. Students often use cell phones to spread rumors and misinformation. This misinformation can be difficult for the victim to digest and can be quite stressful for a young child to comprehend. This act of misinformation has resulted in the death of several children after their private information and unsubstantiated information had been spread with the use of cell phones. State and local officials have begun to develop laws that establish strong consequences for the spread of personal information. These consequences include fines, jail time and possible sex offender status.
phones can be such a threat to schools and kids that some people would feel that their life is in
One particular article was about a girl. Eight years old, she was just beginning to grow. That is until she was raped by a neighbor and taken into police custody for protection against her parents, who want to kill her because of her dishonorable impurity (The Oppressed of Afghanistan). In a way the girl was lucky; most cases of abuse and honor killings are usually not reported. Sometimes it’s not even illegal.
In the past few years cell phones have become an object of need rather than want. Everywhere you look people are on their cell phone either texting, calling, ‘facebooking,’ or emailing. The cell phone is the smallest most convenient connection that nearly everyone has. The idea, of course, is fantastic.The ability to communicate wire-free from anywhere is perfect. Cell phones have their advantages, like most digital devices. Parents have the luxury of calling up their children to know that they are safe, but, what are the consequences of that cell phone?