
Italian Food Identifiable Experience Essay

Decent Essays

My impression of what makes food identifiably Italian is based largely upon my experience eating in Italy. The quantity of food and the types of food being eaten were very different from what I was accustomed to prior to my visit. Polenta, Gnocchi and Grappa were the food and drink that stood out the most to me. To me they are identifiable Italian foods and were not something I had been introduced to prior to my visit. Eating outdoors under a canopy laced with vines and with the mountains constantly in view stood out to me and is in my mind identifiably Italian or even as an identifiable experience that differentiated Trentino from other areas we visited. That these experiences were different than the norm for me made them seem identifiably Italian. The differences defined the identity of Italian food, down to the setting and geography of the region. …show more content…

Identity as defined by Massimo Montanari in our course textbook is “not inscribed in the genes of a people or in the ancient history of their origin, but is constructed historically through the day-to-day dynamic exchanges between individuals, experiences, and different cultures. Working with and eating with Italian colleagues was a completely different experience in and of itself. We were introduced to new foods and breathtaking scenery but also to a very different culture and approach towards meals. They were much more celebratory than the meals I was accustomed to back home with a lot of sharing and drinking. Italian identity for me is defined by the experience I had there in relation to the experiences I have at home. The different foods, scenery, culture, and language all help define the experience but these are all related to the meals and the experience of eating a meal in

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