
Jack Chavez Narrative

Decent Essays

The day started with a routine training run for Jack Chavez and his squad members, who were all members of the NYPD Emergency Service Unit’s Apprehension Tactical Team, which was an elite group of officers trained in hunting the most dangerous criminals in New York City. The run was nothing new to most of the men, and then had run about two-thirds of the course, when they were suddenly interrupted and ordered to exit the pit and make their way to a briefing room. Upon arrival, Chavez and the team were immediately briefed of a developing situation happening near lower Manhattan. Groups of reportedly home-grown terrorists, armed with automatic weapons, were threatening key targets throughout New York, mostly places with a large civilian presence such as …show more content…

The team moved up, eliminated threats quickly, and were rapidly approaching the middle of the bridge. Upon reaching the center, they saw the law enforcement officers that attacked from the other side firing upon the position of the man with the C4 vest, who was cowering behind a now bullet-riddled sedan. Due to their proximity to the explosives along with the hundreds of civilians in the blast radius, Blackburn yelled,”Chavez, the two officers could blow this bridge sky-high if they kill that man, take ‘em down!” “Are you ordering friendly-fire, sir?” “Don’t question me just do it now,” responded Blackburn with a now slightly annoyed tone of voice. Chavez unwillingly raised his rifle and dropped one of the officers with a non-lethal shot to his leg, and watched and he fell the ground, with his partner soon following. Slightly sickened but still keeping his head in the operation, Chavez and Blackburn moved up to the position of the man with the

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