
Jackson's Attempts To Abolish Slavery In The United States

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Jackson questioned the legality of the bank, he believed it was unconstitutional extension of the power of the Congress. James McCulloch refused to pay this tax, so the state took him to court and was resulting case went all to the U.S Supreme Court. Nicholas Biddle decided to push for a bill to renew the banks charter in 1832 Congress could not get the two- thirds majority needed to override Jacksons veto In summer of 1836 Jackson to slow the inflations down. Jackson 1828-1836 Jackson doesn’t like Nicholas Nicholas Biddle who was in charge of the national bank Roger Taney = Bank “pet Banks” if the bank doesn’t have money the bank cant function Roger Taney wants something in return Taney wants to be chief Justice Taney will with draw the …show more content…

1803-Louisiana Purchase why-this made new land for cotton growers to bring slaves to because they couldn’t have slaves in the northwest because of the northwest ordinance. 1812- war of 1812 1814/1815- At the hartford convention seceding from the nation is discussed at the hartford convention and the idea is still around in why - it will decide that the south will secede from the union. 1820- The Missouri Compromise makes missouri a slave state and Maine a free state. It also draws a line why - so all future states on the north side will be free slave states 1824- John Quincy Adams is elected as president and Andrew Jackson is elected as president. why - start of nullification crisis 1828- The tariff of 1828 put taxes on the southeast states. South Carolina nullified the tariff and when Jackson threatens them South Carolina threatens to secede from the union why -This leads to the nullification

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