
James O Connor's Dream Of Becoming An Immigrant

Decent Essays

I recall the first story, to my recollection, I was told as a young boy about my parents coming to America. My mother, Mary O'Connor, described a story about how she had always dreamed of seeing America because she wanted to escape the poverty she faced in her hometown along beside my father, John. Fueled by aspirations, in 1880, they boarded a ship with little to nothing and sailed to this so called promise land that was America. Soon after, they arrived in Boston to which they were immediately met by a swarm of people claiming to have the most pristine property any immigrant could dream to live in. They didn't, but my parents didn't know that. So they bought into the words of the scammers and slowly realized soon after, America wasn't what …show more content…

Here, we have come to learn all of what America has to "offer" us. My parents are long descended but time has not caused much change. Years might have passed and people have started to become more open to the Irish, but overall, it is still the same. Even though circumstances disagree, I am one of the lucky who has had continuous work since I was ten, making money for my family, but I am not in the small percentage who make more than any dream many of us struggling could picture, or less believe. I started out as a paperboy delivering to the elite in Beacon Hill, admiring the countless possessions each family had and I promised one day I would provide this for my family. Those unrealistic fantasies were crushed soon after by reality. After a couple years and to this day, I work in construction making 1.50 every hour for the past seven years. But without my wife working, we wouldn't be able to survive but we are just barely passing. I have grown up around her due to her living in the same building, and the life we lived now, is no different than the one she lived years go. We do not have extra income for pleasure, and soon my children will soon come to see what world they live in. I dread of that day which is soon to

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