
Japan Trade

Decent Essays

The geographical locations of both Japan and Great Britain are critical to the success as a country. Both countries are island based nations the rely on trade as a big income and is the best way for them to make money based on were they are at. The ports and trading post along the sea are the many point of income and sells of both nations. They both need raw materials from different countries. At one point Japanese were dependent on raw materials for other nations. The British were make most of there money on opium exports and textiles of raw materials from other nations.Trade is the core of these two nations change,money,and power. One of the biggest imports for Great Britain was cotton. Cotton was bought for the colonies that Britain held and was brought back to Textile factories to produce cloths and things in that short. They bought the cotton for cheep for the farmers in their colonies and produced textiles then made a huge profit off of them. By the 1900 the British were importing 180 million pounds of cotton for textiles.This means that Britain would make most of the money leave the place were they bought the cotton from in the red for the economy. The biggest export of Greta Britain at the time was Opium,which is a highly addictive drug. In the 1830's the highest amounts of Opium were being exported. The British …show more content…

The trade between other nation help kick off the modernization of the nation. When ships would come to port they would spread new ideas and ways in which to do things. The reason why Japan was so far behind is because it is an island based nation. Japan became so dependent on raw materials,that they couldn't produce on their own, That is all they used at the time. Modernization help Japan grow this lead them to expand their borders. The expanded into a small part of Russia and they took control over

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