
Japanese Constitution Summary

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Article 9. The Diet shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Every person shall have freedom of religious belief, and the special privileges that every shrine has ever had shall be abolished.
Article 10. The right of every Japanese citizen to vote shall not be denied or abridged by any legislation, restrictions, or poll taxes on account of religious creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, or military service.
Article 11. The right of every Japanese citizen, of eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by Japan on account of age.
Article 12. No person shall be subject to cruel or unusual punishment. (U.S. Const. amend. VIII. 1791.)
Article 13. Every …show more content…

Police entities shall be organized under each Prefecture, and will ensure public safety and operating at the Prefectural level under the jurisdiction of the state Interior Ministry. Police entities are to ensure the execution of the constitution at the public level.
2.1 Annotation:
The United States Bill of Rights is heavily borrowed upon in the effect of further expanding the rights of the Japanese people. One notable change is the explicit dissolution of the state religion functions both to satisfy SCAP and ensure citizens the right to freely worship. The development of varying systems of belief will not only diversify Japanese thought, but also foster a more open, inclusive democratic spirit among the Japanese people. The diversity of belief systems will serve to stabilize society while preventing the future formation of hardline ideological beliefs.
In reflecting upon the brutality and psychological weight of years of war, the Bill of Rights instills the critical upholding of human rights within the fabric of Japanese society, in order to absolute ensure the universality of human rights for all individuals. A few key foreign states allied with SCAP, in particular China and the USSR, who were greatly impacted by Japan’s military actions will be satisfied with Japan’s further elaboration of human rights; indeed, the world at large, in the aftermath of a devastating world war, will concur with the significance of this new priority. These changes will

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