
Jdt1 Task 3

Decent Essays

STEVENSON was only interested in attending the Governors’ conference because he did not like the idea of the reestablishment of the BROYLES COMMISSION. It was said that his first task that he wanted to complete was to speak to Hoover in order to convince him to meet with two members from the American Legion, which would include Illinois State Commander Lawrence J. Fenlon. Hoover was able to understand where STEVENSON was coming from he went so far to inform STEVENSON to “beware of amateur Red-hunters, citing several examples of bumbling counter-subversives who had interfered with the Bureau’s sophisticated internal security operations” (53). Many people were lobbying for the BROYLES COMMISSION to be reintroduced, but something more important came up, which was the issue of the investigation into state educational institutions. During the meeting in February of 1951 STEVENSON and many other state governors that …show more content…

This program would mean that many people would be added to a “BLACKLIST of some public school teachers as well as college teachers” (54). The people on the BLACKLIST were investigated to see if they were loyal and to determine their “reliability and discretion” (54). Even though the BROYLES COMMISSION was never brought back, STEVENSON wanted the help from the FBI during his campaign in order to make sure the Illinois General Assembly would not do so. It seemed like STEVENSON gave ammunition for the McCarthyites than he wanted to. However Hoover was not worried about any of this his main concern was how he was going to explain why the RESPONSIBILITIES PROGRAM was so important to the White House and the Attorney General. Even if the RESPONSIBILITIES PROGRAM did make a big change in the FBI and how they handle their operations it did “mark a shift from an earlier adhoc effort to an institutionalized and refined dissemination (read BLACKLISTING) program”

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